Work is eating me alive. It is killing me. I have not been home a single Friday night or Saturday for three weeks now--and if you thought I got bent out of shape at the beginning of school when the kids were occupying my precious a.m hours--I am enraged by the infringment of my time that must be spent away from them. I am so angry about things outside of my control right now, I am silenced --almost. This week I seriously considered taking a full week off running just because I have not physically felt cuaught up since SGM or emotionally with what has been going on at work--but sadly running in the dark with my friend Marsha is about the most enjoyable thing I get to do all day. And then I'm done enjoying the day by 6:30 a.m. I just feel like I'm never going to get a leg up. It's been a heroic effort to feed my children and provide them with clean underwear. They are totally on their own where homework, piano, and soccer are concerned. I used to be so good at keeping this all together. I miss the brains and engery I used to have even just two years ago. |