It has become so dark in the mornings, that today I ran with a headlamp. It totally works. We've been running down the middle of Lakeshore and it's not smooth pavement and I am afraid of tripping and falling over in the dark. Also, last time we almost kicked skunk as it crossed the dark road. Skunks don't move very fast, they just raise their tail and keep on walking. We almost got sprayed. That would have been icky. Thus the headlamp. It will buy me a few more weeks of non-treadmill A.M. running so I won't have to haul my treadmill inside until after SGM. Everyone hates the treadmill but me. I never have the time to watch movies or TV shows. So standing in front of the TV for an hour or more is a huge indulgence. I already have 5 movies I want to see lined up next to the TV waiting for the first week of October. In the meantime, I'll use the headlamp and keep to the road. Although today I had to make a concerted effort to run slowly (9:30's) I do like running in the dark becaue I run a lot faster than normal and it doesn't seem as hard--like running in your sleep/dream running. Weird. It is a strange sensation to to be in the dark, moving forward. It heightens all other sensory perceptions--particularly the Jason Voorhees sensibility. Maybe that accounts for the fast running. |