Man those splits do not reflect my effort. I am too unfocused to do any regimented interval work without assistance. So I use those triangles on the trail at every 1/16th and then make up random markers where there are none (that tree, where the road bends, to the shade). Fartleking is about all I know how to do becaues it's less structured (unlike 440's, Yasso's, etc). I ran one warm up mile, spent the second mile running, faster, fastest then recovery. Lost the triangles on the lower part of the trail and so decided to run as fast as I could for as long as I could. Then I tried picking up the pace wherever there was shade. That only lasted another mile. I thought I was going to die, huffing and vocalizing my efforts. I tried to keep it down when others were on the trail... they might have thought I was having a heart attack. I'm such a baby. I still feel like I'm going to fall asleep when I try to run fast, it's weird. Then I tried to run a steady fast past, which took so much effort to focus on the pattern of my footfall and form--and then those two miles only turned out to be 9's. Got back on the triangles and ran as hard as I could every other one, but was tired-- at least that mile was under 9. My knee and glues hurt so I iced in the river. Thankfully the water is much colder with that little bit snow water headed down the canyon. Next time, I think I'll try striding quarter miles instead of 1/16ths. I guess intervals/speed play is good for your heart/aerobic capacity but it is the most discouraging and frustrating thing I've tried yet. It's hard. That said, I think I'm going down to the lower trail with a can of paint and mark out quarter miles so I can warm up with shorter bursts, and do the middle 4 miles of my work out on quarters. I also need to learn to use my Garmin better, or switch to my Ironman watch for lap times on the days I do this. I should have just tried to tempo run today--my times would have probably been better! |