I can already feel the crushing tedium of the school year routine setting in. 6:30 a.m. found me in the kitchen packing lunches, cooking breakfast and thinking: "I could be running right now." Because I get equal satisfaction from work and from running, this is the time of the year I fantasize about quitting my job so I can run later in the morning (and also have the house to myself for the rest of the day). The only difference is that no one pays me to run-- so that always tips the cost to benefit ratio. Man, I'm already sick of school, and they haven't even come home with their homework yet. Some women have the trouble of pushing their children to be successful so they can live vicarously thorugh their children's accomplishments. I don't have that problem. I am the most self-centered, selfish mother on the planet. I am actually incovenienced because my kid is in honors English and Algebra and was recruited for a great AAA soccer team. The only thing I can think of is "That much soccer and homework will ruin my schedule." The good thing about being that self-involved is that my kids can always be sure that their successes are their own. I can promise you, that aside from providing a roof over their heads, few nutritious meals a day, and tucking them into bed at night--that whatever good they acheive in this world will be a testiment to their own character. They are such good kids, and I am such a selfish woman. |