Right out the door, a bee got caught in my ponytail and stung my finger when I tried to free it. So I ran while my index finger grew to be the size of my thumb. It didn't really hurt and I was mostly distracted by the amount of water in the river. I've been sleeping with the windows open recently to hear it, and it has risen with each passing day. It's a lot of rushing water. My dog who loves to jump in got a really swift surprise when she couldn't swim back to the bank very easily. The lake too has risen by a number of feet and the water is the color of mint ice cream. There must be so much water flowing into it from the river it has stirred up the silty bottom. It was an indredible shade of light green. Then the cattle, who were all grazing alongside the trail decided my dog s were a threat to the 6-8 calves in the pasture, so several jerseys with heavy udders began to charge the fence. I wish I had my Garmin when stuff like that happens, because I got at least one really fast mile in there. Cows are big when they are right next to you. When I arrived at home, I realized I'd locked myself out. So I had to walk over to the neighbors to get my spare key and when she opened the door, all she said was "what's wrong with your finger?" And that's pretty much how the rest of my day went. |