I'm going to count fast miles this morning just because I ran with Josse :) She said we averaged 8:50's, but I had to make a few pit stops for piriformis/ham stretching and other things...so really the average higher overall. I love that Josse brings her dog now. Running has become our dog's play date (Did I really just write that?). She was saying how she never really considered herself an "animal/dog lover" until she had this lab. I had a lab that died of cancer 3 years ago, and before him, I probably didn't consider myself a 'dog person' either. It's not like I have cross-stich pillows with dog images or funny dog sayings, or framed artwork of my dog looking majestically anywhere in my house--but I'm here to tell you, that as adult woman whose lived through a lot of crap, I've truely embraced the deep and abiding love that comes with the loyalty, unwaivering faith, and enthusiasm of a dog.  |