I'm having a hard time getting up at 6:00. I know when it's light out it will be easier, but this morning I woke up, put my feet to the floor, and I got a sudden bright flash of wavy electric light that shot through,and then vibrated in my eye for 3 hours (Mirgrane!). I've never woken up with one. But I always, always get a big one the last week February, or first week of March, and one in October. It's either the changing light or allergies. Anyway, the headache was bad enough I took Imitrex--which made me, hmmm, don't know how to describe that, it made me feel hollow. The mirgrane was gone, but I was spacey (and I think it's just naproxine and aceitamenaphine).. Anywho, I ran after work. But I forgot how it gets dark so early. So I got the kids all in order (homework, piano, scouts, etc) and then took off. 2 miles---way down the trail--- in I realized it was getting dark, not dusk---dark. Stars were coming out and the moon was a dark sliver through the tall dark trees. I'd been so absorbed in the running I didn't notice it was full-on night time. I wish I would remember to wear my Garmin, because I'll bet you I did those 2 miles back in about 15 mintues.... But then there was another girl running her big dog on the way back. I felt a little better to not be the only human on the trail at night. But I was also a little jealous of her dog. He looked like he actually might attack me if I tried any funny business. I looked over at my two dogs and they looked like they might go fetch her slippers is she asked them to. |