8 p.m. 7 of us left for a 2 mile run; 4 on foot, 2 on bikes and 1 in the stroller. At the turnaround, Tami took the other runners home, and I took the little ones to Freedom Hills. After talking to one homeowner, we enjoyed more apricots on the way. So now it's legit. We are no longer eating purloined fruit. The girls played at the park while Jack and I ran laps. There was a hopping jr high party going on, and the kids were mock cheering for me as I circled. On the second lap, I invited them to join me. 4 show-off boys came along. 2 dropped within 50 meters, but the other 2 completed the .6 mile circuit. I asked them to come for another, but they were too tired. On the way home, some freak drove by yelling f-bombs. Who yells f-bombs at someone pushing a jogging stroller with two little girls on bikes in tow? Seriously, those are some issues. Hopefully he'll be arrested soon. The sky was amazing. It looked like what Thomas Kincaid always failed to portray in his paintings.