New shoes! Kinvaras arrived; not the fancy 3's allie is wear testing, just some outdated 2's. To celebrate, I repeated the Biggest Loser Progression run. I commenced at 7 mph and bumped .2 for each commercial break. By the end I was pretty tired, and skipped one bump during the elimination phase. (that sounds really gross) Max speed was 8.6, then cooled down for a couple minutes at 7. I can't believe how dumb the red team is to send home one of their strongest players. Don't they want to win any challenges and prizes? My knee is sketchy, but it doesn't bother me much. Just enough to pitch little nagging thoughts in my brain. My shoe review is: they are shoes. They look cool. They feel fine. The left shoe seems to have a bulge on the medial left arch that is absent on the right. Perhaps my foot is deformed, beyond the Morton's toe, I mean. One 10 mile run is a pretty good test run with no problems to report. |