Outdoor Track- Qualify for NCAA nationals in the steeplechase;
3:45 (1500); 8:40 (3k steeple); 14:00 (5k)
Long-Term Running Goals:
See how long my knees hold up after collegiate running
Grew up in St. George, UT where I ran at Desert Hills High School from 2012-2015. I spent the next 2 years in Rancagua, Chile as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Senior and member of the men's track and cross country teams at Utah Valley University. President/Founder of Mongoose Elite.
Didn't do the workout because my calve was bugging pretty bad. It's felt super tight since I raced on Saturday. Sucks to just jog around the track and watch the team do the workout, but I don't want to push through it and do something that ruins my last season.
8 behind the school, calve wasn't feeling too bad for the first half, but it tightened up pretty good the last couple miles. Super fun run though. Lots of rolling out and stretching tonight, hopefully I feel good enough to do the workout tomorrow.