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Pleasant Grove,UT,USA

Member Since:

Aug 04, 2008



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

PRs: Fleet Feet Turkey Trot 5k- 19:46;  St. George Marathon  3:07:11(2013-- coming back from the dead)  Utah Valley Marathon 2011- 3:09:13 : D  1st place Master Division, 7th Overall; Mt. Nebo 1/2 Marathon 2011- 1:19:35- 2nd Overall,  first master. Ogden Marathon 3:14  (2010); 10K 2011 Speedy Spaniard 40:47.  I have run 38 marathons: 16 St. George (1995, 2006-2019, 2024). Utah Valley (2011, 2014), Eiluj (2011), Deseret News (2015: 3:40 pacer  & 2023),  Ogden (2009, 2010), Boston (1996,2012,2014,2018, 2024)Top of Utah (1999, 2011 pacer), and SLC (2006,2015), Pocatello (3:40 pacer 2012),park city marathon 3:41:53 (2013), and Big Cottonwood pacer (2017,2018),  Nebo Marathon 340 pacer (2024)Timp trail marathon (2021) and three Ultras-Squaw Peak 51.25 miler 2010 in 12:05:27 (9th woman) and  Antelope Island  (32 miler) in  March 2011 (4th overall in 5:10:25) and in 2009.


Short-Term Running Goals:

Last Marathon:

2024 Summer Pace Half Marathons

Handcart July 20, 2024 (1:55 pacer, 1:53:10, 13.11miles)

Hobble Creek  August 3, 2024 (2:00 pacer- 1:58:21, 13.06 miles)  coming back from torn hamstring

PC2PG August 17, 2024 (1:50 pacer  - 1:47:10, 12.95 miles)

East Canyon  August 31, 2024 (1:40 pacer- 1:38:49, 13.15 miles)

Nebo Marathon September 7,2024 (3:40 pacer- 3:37:09, 26.33 miles)

Big Cottonwood Canyon Marathon  September 14, 2024 (3:10  pacer for 17.12 miles)

Gardner Village Witch Run (1:40 pacer-)1:37:57 watch didn't pick up tunnels

Saint George  Marathon #16 after fiver years off-  October 5, 2024

Fall 2024

Halloween Half 10/26 (1:45 pacer)

Santa Half 12/7  (1:40 pacer)


Boston Marathon 4/21

Utah Valley Marathon 6/7,

Big Cottonwood Half Marathon (racing) 9/13/25

30 years of running Saint George Marathon (first was in 1995) SGM #17 -10/4/2025

Long-Term Running Goals:

Marathon--  PR (3:06 or better)

10k--  PR (under 40:47)

5K-- PR (under 19:46)


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Miles:This week: 10.00 Month: 93.00 Year: 508.48
Brooks Pureflow Lifetime Miles: 309.19
Altras Zero Drop (lt. Blue) Lifetime Miles: 366.29
Mizuno Precision 11 (orange) Lifetime Miles: 610.05
Saucony Mirage 2 Grey Lifetime Miles: 223.70
Nike Pegasus Charc/lime Lifetime Miles: 487.77
Nike Pegasus Grey/blue Lifetime Miles: 428.92
Mizuno Precision Pink Lifetime Miles: 479.56
Nike Lunar Flyknits RED Lifetime Miles: 893.47
Nike Lunar Flyknits MULTI GREY Lifetime Miles: 373.20
Mizuno Sayanaras Lifetime Miles: 292.58
Asics Gel Lyte 33-2 (blue) Lifetime Miles: 163.09
Altra Intuition 1.5 Grey Lifetime Miles: 55.31
Altras Pink Intuition 1.5 Lifetime Miles: 80.00
Kinvara 5s Peach Lifetime Miles: 576.20
Kinvara 5s YELLOW Lifetime Miles: 346.56
Kinvara Blue/lime Lifetime Miles: 578.77
Kinvara 5s Green Lifetime Miles: 47.31
Kinvara 6 Turquoise Lifetime Miles: 531.20
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Saucony 5s.   2.63 mile warmup to the track.  Slept 5.5 hours.  Just can't seem to sleep past 4am.  I try to fall back to sleep but I can't.  When I can't sleep (like before work) my body COULD sleep.  It is a vicious cycle of insomnia and fatigue.  I did not want to do this 3 mile time trial. I chose today and now I think I should have waited until tomorrow.  I just felt so crappy.  I started out nice and easy to the track in my flats and man alive I had to work out many a muscle crampWhy am I getting so many muscle cramps and spasms??????  My legs and feet just hate life and the I spiral into a sad state...just wondering if I ever will feel good again and maybe it is literally all DOWNHILL from here.  Honestly I can't feel like this every day much muscles just don't synapse right or something.  They are still spasming.  What the heck?????   Am I that old?  Geez louize!!   I am angry at my body. I am trying to feed it right and still-- Pains everywhere in my joints-- from my neck to my elbows to my right pinky finger--- these are less severe than pains in my legs (mostly left) and ankles.  FLIP OUT!!!  I am trying not to fall into an abyss here but day in and day out of this is really getting to me.  Say a little prayer for me, anyone!!  I do everyday I start a run I just ask that I can do my best at what I have planned.  Okay on with the time trial-- oh I ran into Kim and Jane at the track.  How cool is that?  only I can't even run with them anymore because I feel so losery.  But it was great to see them and to know they were out there working hard too (they were pretty much done just as I started)!!  I warmed up two laps at the track (total warmup 2.63 miles at 8:33 pace) then stretched shorter than I liked but I wanted to start before Kim and Jane got to me (the finish of their last SW) and then I would feel I had to run that fast when I was running 12 laps and they were running 800s.  The only good thing about this run is the fact that I ran 9 SECONDS FASTER but HOLY crap I was nauseated the last several laps.  I ate 1/4 of a banana and two sips of gatorade before leaving.  Not sure why the intense nausea???  I was slowing not speeding up.  Oh and the LOVELY SPRINKLERS were in FULL FORCE for my entire run.  I was soaked to the bone after two laps.  They seem to try to "get me"....grrrr!!!!  My feet are soaked.    I sure hope they stop them over the next few weeks so I can run sans DOWNPOUR!!!!    So I lost you again, sorry.  Here are my laps:  1:34, 1:36, 1:34, 1:36 (6:20 mile :D), 1:37, 1:38,  1:40, 1:41 (6:36 mile), 1:39,  1:40, 1:41, 1:36 (6:36 mile).  3 mile trial in 19:34 (two weeks ago 19:43).  Garmin read it as 3.03 miles, same course no swerving either time trial and last time garmin read distance at 3.06 miles!!!  SO obviously the GARMIN IS NOT ACCURATE on a TRACK.  I started and ended the same place so no error there.  Funny about the garmin.  So NO more freaking out over garmin distances please!!!  If it is certified turn off the garmin mode of your garmin and run in lap mode and overall time mode, the safest way to play the game!! :D.     BTW after two laps my thighs felt so very tight I wanted to give up at lap 6.  Somehow I got my brain to fire those legs.  Turnover was pathetic.  Not a good track day at all.   Cooled down with 1/2 mile around the track and two miles back to home.  8 miles total today.  Off to shower.    Oh one last thing--- I need to do shorter distance speedwork to work out turnover.  OVERALL I am happy with 9 second improvement feeling as crappy as I did, poor sleep and NO speedwork since Rachelle and I ran four fast at the end of our 18 miler two Saturday's ago.  Hence the need for some shorter speedwork. 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
From Rachelle on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 09:15:25 from

Great job Julie! Those are awesome splits for a solo time trial. You were probably feeling nautious because you were running so dang fast. :)

Don't do shorter repeats. jk I'm sure they would be beneficial for you just not for me right now because I'm an idiot and overstride and always pull something.

From JulieC on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 09:30:43 from

30 seconds on/off :D so I don't get nauseated!! way more doable than 1min/off on. oh yah overall time was 19:34!! I just realized I didn't put it down. My muscles are not happy!! but thanks for thinking I am rock star!! I was a little worried seeing my fast friends there--- glad I got there later than planned or they may have talked me into stupid 800s!! I think the sprinklers slow me down along with my stupid legs!!

From Jake K on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 09:40:35 from

Nice job Julie. Even though it might not have felt good - it was still 9 seconds faster, so that's a huge step in the right direction.

There is a bit of a paradigm shift going on right now in terms of how to approach the last couple weeks before a marathon. The new way of thinking is to actually cut back on the speedwork and don't do much running faster than marathon/half-marathon pace. The short reason (for a longer version, check out Bam's blog from 8-17) is that you are getting your body used to using a totally different energy source than you will be using in the marathon, and then in the marathon you'll blow through your stored energy too quickly and that's why everyone crashes around 20 miles.

From JulieC on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 14:49:27 from

so tell me also Jake-- on a track am I supposed to start in one place and end slightly further up the track for a mile? since a mile is 1609 meters-- two laps is 800 meters? I actually don't know if it is a meter track-- I assume so. Yard tracks are hard to come by right? just a thought.

I will have to go read about sw before a marathon-- BUT do you think it okay for me to continue my 3 mile time trials? I am doing another in 9 days , then 7 days then 8 days after that then a finale-- a 5k on September 29th (don't know where yet haven't looked it up). They aren't all out they are controlled runs and I am not sore afterwards. Hence why I thought some shorter speedwork would juice up my leg speed naturally so my time trials would improve. OR I need someone by me to help my mental slump laps 7 to 11. : D

From JulieC on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 14:58:46 from

ps any hints for my sg PR? I am thinking a lot more conservative than last year-- 1:34ish first half and 1:30 (or better, ha ha) the second half. I think you are right about the "body remembers" when racing-- I just sure hope my body remembers last September and my mind FORGETS last October!! :D

From Jake K on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 14:59:51 from

If you really want a full mile on the track, yeah - you have to add on 9 meters for every 4 laps. But usually most people just go by 1600s when doing track workouts. Sometimes if I am doing a similar workout to what you did, I'll just stretch it out to 5K (extra 200m). In any case, it doesn't really matter - the good thing is that its 100% repeatable.

Unless you are running on a dirt track, its probably a meter track :-) Doesn't it have marks?

I don't see any problem w/ continuing the 3 mile time trials. I think they are probably great threshold workouts for you. I was just bringing up a new point that is being discussed a lot - and maybe kinda trying to steer you away from the REALLY FAST fast workouts - I want you to stay healthy and get to the line at StG in one piece! :-)

I am definitely a big fan of the 5K the week before a marathon. I'll be doing the same thing.

From Jake K on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 15:01:50 from

Its a huge negative split course. Look at Paul's run in 2007 - he ran smarter than any report I've ever read - like 1:11 for the 1st half and high 1:06 for the second.

From JulieC on Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 15:13:52 from

that I know but haven't repeated since getting faster-- I obviously go out TOO fast for myself. I am a slow to warm up girl and then if the course is right (like sg is) I can take off. My first SG in 1995 (3-4 days a week training) I ran 1:52 the first half and 1:44 the second half. I felt awesome (except for blisters from glove like fitting shoes-- the things I didn't know and apparently still do not know about running!!). I four other sg marathons that way (a little less of a negative split) but none in the last four years-- I always slowed the last 10k!!

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