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Utah Valley Marathon (26.34)

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Pleasant Grove,UT,USA

Member Since:

Aug 04, 2008



Goal Type:


Running Accomplishments:

PRs: Fleet Feet Turkey Trot 5k- 19:46;  St. George Marathon  3:07:11(2013-- coming back from the dead)  Utah Valley Marathon 2011- 3:09:13 : D  1st place Master Division, 7th Overall; Mt. Nebo 1/2 Marathon 2011- 1:19:35- 2nd Overall,  first master. Ogden Marathon 3:14  (2010); 10K 2011 Speedy Spaniard 40:47.  I have run 38 marathons: 16 St. George (1995, 2006-2019, 2024). Utah Valley (2011, 2014), Eiluj (2011), Deseret News (2015: 3:40 pacer  & 2023),  Ogden (2009, 2010), Boston (1996,2012,2014,2018, 2024)Top of Utah (1999, 2011 pacer), and SLC (2006,2015), Pocatello (3:40 pacer 2012),park city marathon 3:41:53 (2013), and Big Cottonwood pacer (2017,2018),  Nebo Marathon 340 pacer (2024)Timp trail marathon (2021) and three Ultras-Squaw Peak 51.25 miler 2010 in 12:05:27 (9th woman) and  Antelope Island  (32 miler) in  March 2011 (4th overall in 5:10:25) and in 2009.


Short-Term Running Goals:

Last Marathon:

2024 Summer Pace Half Marathons

Handcart July 20, 2024 (1:55 pacer, 1:53:10, 13.11miles)

Hobble Creek  August 3, 2024 (2:00 pacer- 1:58:21, 13.06 miles)  coming back from torn hamstring

PC2PG August 17, 2024 (1:50 pacer  - 1:47:10, 12.95 miles)

East Canyon  August 31, 2024 (1:40 pacer- 1:38:49, 13.15 miles)

Nebo Marathon September 7,2024 (3:40 pacer- 3:37:09, 26.33 miles)

Big Cottonwood Canyon Marathon  September 14, 2024 (3:10  pacer for 17.12 miles)

Gardner Village Witch Run (1:40 pacer-)1:37:57 watch didn't pick up tunnels

Saint George  Marathon #16 after fiver years off-  October 5, 2024

Fall 2024

Halloween Half 10/26 (1:45 pacer)

Santa Half 12/7  (1:40 pacer)


Boston Marathon 4/21

Utah Valley Marathon 6/7,

Big Cottonwood Half Marathon (racing) 9/13/25

30 years of running Saint George Marathon (first was in 1995) SGM #17 -10/4/2025

Long-Term Running Goals:

Marathon--  PR (3:06 or better)

10k--  PR (under 40:47)

5K-- PR (under 19:46)


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Miles:This week: 22.06 Month: 105.06 Year: 520.54
Brooks Pureflow Lifetime Miles: 309.19
Altras Zero Drop (lt. Blue) Lifetime Miles: 366.29
Mizuno Precision 11 (orange) Lifetime Miles: 610.05
Saucony Mirage 2 Grey Lifetime Miles: 223.70
Nike Pegasus Charc/lime Lifetime Miles: 487.77
Nike Pegasus Grey/blue Lifetime Miles: 428.92
Mizuno Precision Pink Lifetime Miles: 479.56
Nike Lunar Flyknits RED Lifetime Miles: 893.47
Nike Lunar Flyknits MULTI GREY Lifetime Miles: 373.20
Mizuno Sayanaras Lifetime Miles: 292.58
Asics Gel Lyte 33-2 (blue) Lifetime Miles: 163.09
Altra Intuition 1.5 Grey Lifetime Miles: 55.31
Altras Pink Intuition 1.5 Lifetime Miles: 80.00
Kinvara 5s Peach Lifetime Miles: 576.20
Kinvara 5s YELLOW Lifetime Miles: 346.56
Kinvara Blue/lime Lifetime Miles: 578.77
Kinvara 5s Green Lifetime Miles: 47.31
Kinvara 6 Turquoise Lifetime Miles: 531.20
Race: Utah Valley Marathon (26.34) (26.2 Miles) 03:09:13, Place overall: 7, Place in age division: 1
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

HOPE you endure the long report : D. Seven peaks for four hours, Little Caesars pizza with the kids, Expo, then byu mens soccer until 1030pm last night, bed by 1130pm up at 2:30am (up once in between), couldn't fall back to sleep, decided to eat oatmeal and a piece of toast.  Pottied several times.  In fact had to use the potty 6 times yesterday at seven peaks/expo. Strange.  So  I tried to drink as often as I saw water.  Not happy about arriving home at 11pm last night.  But tried to think positive.   But then just as I tossed my garmin into my bag at 3:45am it turned on and read "battery low".  Oh great this is just getting better.  More potty breaks.  Plug it in for 10 minutes (last bus in Provo 20 minutes away is 4:15am), got it to 20 % from 10 %.  There 20 % of  a 20 hour battery equals ( I get out the calculator cause I am too stupid to do easy math at this hour) , oh yah--- 4 hours.  I should be good.  That story cont. later.  Get to the start having to potty AGAIN--- this time more like cramps and you know what several times.  I met up with McKenzie and Aubrey and started to feel adrenalinized instead  of ZOMBIE-like.  The drive to the start I had some serious doubts of even running any 7:00 minute miles.  I was SOOOOO tired.  But seeing them boosted me.  We hung out for 40 minutes.  Got to the start, then ANOTHER potty break in the woods and oh one more behind McKenzie and Aubrey while they stood in front of me.  I am diuresing and have no idea why.  I hadn't drank much.  I started to feel flu/achy like, like when you feel you are depleted of minerals/electrolytes.  So I decided I would get gatorade at every other aide station.  Took a gu just a minute before the start to cut down on my baggage around my waist.  I pinned my gus to my shorts, three of them.  Well within 1.5 miles, the cramps start up again and I am thinking, no way I don't have time to stop.  Blah.  I endured two more miles and just had to pull over.  Accidently stopped my garmin for few seconds then quickly started again.   I went to get up and run and then cramping again, so more time lost.  About a minute.  I got out from the grass and saw the 3:20 sign.  Blah.  I was in front of the 3:10 sign when I pulled over.  Geez.  but I feel a little better so I just cruise along enjoying the views.  I catch up to 3:10 guy and wonder if  I should just stay with him but decide to run my own pace.  Which turned out to be pretty even throughout the course-- about 1:34 (my watch)- 1:35 at the half.  I noticed after mile six my garmin was reading every mile EARLY by about .14 miles.  So I think the course was long, having confirmed this with a few other runners later in the course and with McKenzie.    Kind of a bummer since that made me have to calculate that into my time/distance to my PR.  But oh well.  The fastest avg I saw on my garmin was 7:06 for a mile or two and then it crept down to AP of 7:09 just before the battery COMPLETELY died at 24.93 miles (running time 2:58:18 but need to add about 10- 15 seconds for accidental stopping of watch).  So as you can see  I thought I was running better because, well, I was.  So based off that pace my time for just one more 1.26 miles would be =  3:07:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   STUPID LONG COURSE  :  D.  Whatever!!!  Anyway, I was 7th overall woman, passing my dear friend McKenzie, who was walking at mile 20, and Julie Esplin at mile 23 who I knew was very tired.  I could feel the gravatation to want to stop with them...but luckily Kim was there to save my HINEY at mile 20, with words of encouragement.  I ended up talking to Kim the remaining 6.2 miles.  Not sure if that part helped me but it sure was SO VERY NICE TO BE RUNNING NEXT TO HER.  She was SO POSITIVE.   I loved it.  If I wanted to slow she was okay with that.  She just pretty much was the best cheerleader EVER!!!  (oh at mile 6 I tried to talk to a woman I thought looked like my age but then she "signed to me" as if she were deaf.  So I said I am sorry, thinking well she is deaf and probably couldn't hear that.  But  I ran beside her even "signing" to her that the hills were coming up.  But that was the last I saw of her until.....The top three master's were called out.  I was first master and she was second.  As she stepped onto the podium she whispered to me (hey she isn't deaf I thought) then she said, "my husband told me NOT to talk to anyone in the race and that he wanted me to stay focused" .  "Oh I told her.  I am a chatty chatstar during runs so I am used to talking and chatting away".  Thought that was INTERESTING strategy.  That's why I  questioned my chattiness with Kim for 6.2 miles.  Oh well.  It was funner even if it was slower.     The biggest problem for me during this race was my left sciatic nerve acting up from 7 miles on.  The road is on a slant and for some reason it just flared that nerve.  Last week it was all my right side.  Today it was burning like no other on the left. The chiro adjusted me too well, I guess.  Got rid of one problem, adding to another.  Acutally I think I must have VERY weak core, so my hips are UNSTABLE.  Will work on that.  The other problem about this race is that I felt to GUed OUT!!  I took only 4 gus but the after taste was getting to me with all that powerade.  By mile 22.5  my heart rate felt fluttery from the SUGAR over load.  I tried to take DEEP breaths and kick it in and I had too much of a side stitch to want to go any faster.  So I didn't.  Plus the next girl ahead of me was definitely in her 20s, she passed me at mile 18.  NO big incentive there.  Met her after the race.  Yup, 25 years old.  She was 35 seconds ahead but her chip time was nice-- 3:07:27.  Nice girl.  Anyway.... here are the splits--- (btw I never felt like I could push the pace like I have in some training runs, probably "the runs" and lack of sleep ) so I just kept it REAL, no over the top mile paces---  7:32, 7:05, 7:09 (add about 10-15 sec, forgot NOT to stop my watch for a potty break : D, actual potty break time about 1 minute, started my watch within 15 seconds of noticing this), 6:58, 6:57, 7:00, 7:02, 7:22 ( HILL), 7:22 (HILL, not pushing the hills at all, just want to ride the downhill to improve the split), 6:54, 6:59, 7:17 (hill AGAIN), 7:04, 7:00, 6:58, 7:15, 7:09, 7:04, 6:58, 6:58, 6:52 (KIM : D), 7:09, 7:24, 7:40 (LAST HILL by country club), 7:31 for .93 miles....AP here 7:09 for 25.93 miles, so probably 7:10 for that potty watch-stopping mishap.  Did not slow down much the last mile so STUPID LONG COURSE-- Kim had my pace for last mile at 7:40 and then 7:00 for last .2.    Forgot to mention--  I won $300 for 1st place master :   D.  Being paid to run...INSANE.  FYI:  UVM course has vertical gain of  943ft.  and loss of 2127 ft.  Net loss-- 1184 ft.  Not near as fast as SGM. 

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
From RAD on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 19:24:29 from

I LOVE that you get paid to run! You are amazing Julie! Sorry you didn't hit your exact goal, but with having to stop at the top - wow! Excellent work, especially on the 1st place Maters! I had to laugh about the signing thing. I always say "I will talk to anyone with ears, if you're deaf...that's okay. I sign" :)

From runningafterbabies on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 19:56:58 from

Loved your RR. This was a PR for you, right? You deserved an awesome race with all of your training and early morning dedication. I'm so proud of you! I love that your half splits were just about the same as my half time. I can't imagine trying to hold that pace for another 13 miles. WAAAAY to go.

From Teena Marie on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 20:59:03 from

Once again, I bow to your greatness!!!

Hmmm ... sign language ... wonder if that would work with my kids while I am studying!!! :) FUNNY!!! :)

A HUGE CONGRATS!!! :) :) :)

From crockett on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 21:19:35 from

I talked to Paul about the course since the half appeared to be long too. The measurments have to be the shortest possible, so on that crazy road, you would be hugging the turns on the rumbble strips and out by the cones. Also they probably add a little to make sure it is over, and then there is Garmin error. He thinks it was fair. The half was 13.3 on mine. Nice job! I saw you go by as I was going backward on the course.

From Andrea on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 21:27:33 from

That first part of the marathon is rolling, for sure. Looks like you handled it pretty well though, despite the cramps and GI issues - great job today!

From Kelli on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 21:36:04 from

YOU ARE AWESOME! The things you endure during a race!!! WOW, nicely done. I know it is not exactly where you wanted it to be, BUT WOW! You did great.

I, too, do not talk when I race. I can't. It makes me angry and cranky and wimpy!!!! I love that you thought the woman was deaf. She was REALLY focused!!

7th place and first masters, something to be VERY proud of!

From crockett on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 21:38:52 from

If I talked during a marathon or less I would choke on my tongue and die. I breath so hard at times people around ask if I'm OK.

From Kelli on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 21:53:21 from

Crockett, you make me laugh!

From Toby on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 21:59:30 from

JULIE...I saw you running it, but wasn't sure it was you (hard a hard time telling from your profile picture). I was cheering, but didn't call out your name. You looked so strong coming was inspiring! Way to go!

From allie on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 22:20:18 from

julie! PR! i am so happy for you. sounds like it was a battle out there for you today, but you never give up. so tough! i was talking to fiddy about you -- that you should be coming in at any moment -- and the woman standing next to us said "oh, you know julie? that's my sister!" it was great and we all had fun cheering you in on your way your big PR. congratulations!

From JulieC on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 22:33:05 from

Thanks Everyone!! Allie, sometimes I create my own is way more exciting that way!! : D. Because sub3 at SGM is my goal....I didn't feel as much pressure here so I am happy with my sub 3:10, my original goal. The first 22 miles felt like a training run, the last four felt like the race!! my dear sister has battled lymphoma, she ran her first half in a long time. We ran SLC 2006 for Team In Training, her first and only marathon so far. That's cool she was right there when you said that. Man, I have a SUPERB migraine. need some zzzzzzssss.

Kelli-- you really aren't a talker? I love to talk. I thank every water bearer at the aid stations, say something to almost everyone that I pass or passes me. I started wearing an iPod in races because I got lonely when NO ONE talked back to me, because they were all focused. Seriously though she used her hands and did some signing motions so of course I thought she was deaf ; D.

Davy--- bonus .14 miles : D. I was in no mind to hug every roadside that close. So I guess its my fault then.

btw the winner of the marathon today-- Kassi Harmon, ran a 2:49, her first marathon. I sat beside her at the awards. And here 12 marathons and not even close to her time.

From crockett on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 22:37:08 from

Impossible to hug the corners of that course as close as they measure it. Those rumble strips and concrete are bad news. You had a great race, very impressive. I talk a bunch during ultras and sing well enough to join the MoTab choir (ha, ha) but no way in marathons.

From josse on Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 23:34:23 from

Great job!!! I was so excited to see you so soon. You look strong and focused. I am sure you are on the track to break that 3 hour mark. oh you were right that girl was not 40 so you totally took the masters, but I am sure you know that:)

From Ericka on Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 00:11:30 from

You are amazing and I am so happy for you on your 1st place masters! GOOD JOB!!

From seeaprilrun on Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 10:44:57 from

Master's champ! Superb race Julie! You are in great shape and ran the race smart! I like to talk when I run so if we ever race together we can chatter away..until we get tired and then it's just one word grunts as I try to survive the closing miles haha! Awesome again Julie! Are you in Saint George after all? Can you get an elite master's entry or something now!?

From Kelli on Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 16:55:40 from

OH, I AM A TALKER when the race is over and any other time of the day, just not during the race. I am the grumpiest racer on the entire planet. I want to be alone in my misery. If others join me, it has to be for just a bit here and there. I get so negative and cranky. Just me and my music. If I am not serious about the race and it is just for fun, I am all about the talking.

I ALWAYS thank anyone at the side station who is helping out and I talk in line for the porta potty! I congratulate people as they run by me, I cheer an others if I pass them....just no conversations!!

Hope the CHAMP is resting well. I hope to one day get just one masters win! It has to feel cool!

From Lily on Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 23:55:55 from

Julie nice job! New PR and all! Wow! So excited for you! :)

From Chad Robinson on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 01:58:14 from

Fantastic race Julie! I am amazed at how fast you are. Somehow you get your body to work despite all of it's protesting. I think a marathon is way to long to focus in silence. I think people need to lighten up sometimes. Nice job on cementing a new strong PR.

From JulieC on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 17:16:24 from

now I know why MichelleL took an antidiarheal before her marathon last week. : D. Seriously, I just downloaded my garmin--- I took a 54 second POTTY stop!!! 54 seconds!!! whatever.

From JulieC on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 17:17:42 from

Just thought I'd share that bit of TMI!! : D. Just to brighten all your days out there!! sorry I am nurse. NOTHING IS TMI to me.

From crockett on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 17:27:31 from

When you get to be my age, those turn into 10 minutes. ;-)

From JulieC on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 17:39:11 from

thanks Davy, that puts it all in perspective now, knowing it could have been a lot worse. My mother always told me, if ever I complained, that there was always someone worse off than I. :D.

From Scott Wesemann on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 19:37:50 from

Wow, you had to deal with a lot of issues. Your race is so impressive. Congrats!

From Kelli on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 22:09:50 from

54 seconds is all??? Mine are well over 2 minutes...I always have to wait in line! ;o)

From JulieC on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 22:59:18 from

Kelli, I have YET to use a porta potty on course--- I used the woods : D. And I haven't made a potty stop in a marathon since TOU 1999.

From Kelli on Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 00:16:55 from

I am the queen of the porta potty---well. at least when it comes to waiting in line for them. I believe I have lost as much as 5 minutes that way!

From JulieC on Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 23:36:29 from

You can take that long Kelli because YOU ARE SPEEDY!! and can make up the time. I need every second of movement I can get!! So with your potty stops and my chattering on we would make quite the team : D.

From Kelli on Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 01:32:23 from

I like the nice relaxing breaks! ;o)

From Smooth on Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 21:40:20 from

Julie! HUGE HUGE CONGRATZ on the Masters win and PR!!! WOW!!! You are seriously the most amazing runner with all that GI issues and stops and talking etc.and ran such an even splits to boot! I'd say you did very well with the tangent considering the scary rumble strips fast moving traffic next to the cones and all! I almost got clipped by a cyclist while running too close to the cones...eek!

SGM and sub3 here you come! :) :) :) :) :)

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