A.M. - 15-mile route. First week in a while for me with 60+ miles, thanks in large part to the longer than normal Thursday run because of the holiday.
I haven't raced in a while and don't have anything on the schedule in the immediate horizon, but it would probably do me some good to shoot for a mini-goal. I was doing some math and realized that after today's run I've got 26 running days left in the year (6 days per week). To hit my mileage total from last year (2965.88), I'd need 286 miles in December or an average of 11 miles a day, or 66 miles per week, which is higher than I've been doing the last few months. To hit 3,000 miles on the year, I'd need 320 miles or an average of 12.3 miles per day, or just under 74 miles a week.
For the Jake Krong's and various superstars of the blog, I realize neither target is much to write home about. But trying to honestly assess my schedule, current commitment to running, and other aspects of my life, either target would constitute a stretch above what I'm currently doing. The 3,000 would be a significant stretch. The 2,966 is more realistic/attainable, yet still challenging. So I'm going to put it out there: December base goal is 286 and stretch goal is 320.
I want to make it clear to myself that if/when even a minor inkling of an injury rears its ugly head, I will back off and foresake the mileage targets without hesitation.