NXR! Super fun race!! i tried to just kinda relax the first mile but i kinda didnt do exactly what i wanted but taht was ok. i got into a decent spot and in the 2nd mile i felt like i was passing alot. there were so many people it was so wierd. coach said that all the girls were pretty close but i didnt really ever see anybody except rylee a few times. i tried to stay with her the first time i saw her and then i lost her. I kept pusing the 2nd mile and i felt really solid on the 3rd mile until probably the 800 mark. i slowly started just tuning out and kept trying to get into it again. i felt like i was pushing decent on the last stretch but i still got passed by some people. i ended 2nd on the team and i was 6th place. super fun raace and like 29834937493x's funner than last year