AM - 8 miles.
PM - 8 miles. 30 minute warmup w/ Andrea + 8 x 100m strides on the track. Workout was 8 x 400m (90s, 1500m pace). Averaged 66.3 seconds. Cooled down 15 minutes on the grass at SHP.
Not an awful workout, but not what I was looking for. Ran the first one in 64.2 which I found out I'm not ready for yet. This workout exposes a very obvious weakness... but then again, weaknesses like this are also very obvious opportunities. I need to be spending more time on the track running shorter intervals in May and June. I have time to make some serious improvements before Duluth. And when I look at the whole plan for the year, I have a little over 3 months until I'll start my Chicago buildup. There's no doubt that by that time I can get fast enough to properly train for the marathon.