AM - 13 miles. 8 + 4 x 5 minute efforts (3 min easy). Avg segment paces were 5:10, 5:02, 5:04, 5:02, 5:00 per mile. Original plan was LT / 10K-10K / 5K-5K effort, but it ended up being more like HM / 10K effort. Didn't really put the gas pedal down like I had intended to. Started snowing as soon as I went outside, but luckily it wasn't sticking to the roads. I almost went to the indoor track, which might have made this a slightly faster session, but I just didn't feel like driving out there and back.
PM - 4 miles w/ Andrea. Stopped at a half-mile to play with puppies. Highlight of the day.
In sad news, someone stole my orange running jacket that I've been wearing for almost 4 years this morning! I wore it on the warmup, then tied it to the stop sign by Fritz's sister's house (as I often do). It was gone when I came by on the cooldown. Had the be the bus stop kids who make fun of me all the time. Those 10 year old bullies won't cut me any slack!!!