AM - 10 miles up to work, it took me 89 minutes! Rocky IV style. I don't trust the cars, so I basically just ran where the sidewalks would be, and the snow was deep! Andrea even woke up early and ran the first couple miles with me. I never carry my phone, but today I did so I could take a picture... and I fell twice trying to get it, so enjoy this really blurry photo of Andrea running in the snow... PM - 7.5 miles. Hannah (our friend who did a med school rotation out here in the fall) was in town for 24 hours to interview for residency at the U, so she drove my jeep up to campus this morning, and then I drove it home. I decided to run first, and did an hour up on campus and around the zoo area. I think the conditions were worse than this morning. The jeep performed exceptionally on the snowy roads, though.