AM - 10 miles. I've decided I'm going to continue to lay low for a while. No harder workouts for the time being, and I probably won't race again until Duluth. Rather than the 1/2 champs being the "peak" race of the season, its going to be more of a rust-buster to see where I'm at, and hopefully a stepping stone towards some of my other goals for the year. This approach might not be totally necessary, but I don't want to fall into the same trap I did over the past month - pressing too much because an important target was approaching, and then get absolutely nowhere (or take a couple steps back). I'm just going to focus on building up my mileage and getting healthier... and in June I'll just see how fast I can run off primarily base training. An e-mail exchange with a friend from Saucony and some good talks w/ Andrea this week have reminded me that if I keep pressing for short-term goals, it will be hard to accomplish some of the other things I want to do. So, back to easy miles. PM - 4 miles.