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Rubin's Run 10k- Tenafly NJ

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Member Since:

Mar 30, 2008



Goal Type:

Marathon Finish

Running Accomplishments:

Marathons: Pre-Marine Corp Training Marathon, Marine Corp (5:24), DC Inagural (5:02), Pittsburgh.

National Half Marathon (end of March 2007) 2:18:01 (10:21)

St Pats.Shamrock 8k (Mar. 18, 2007) 45:47 (9:13)

Jingle Bell 10K 2006 60:43 (9:47)

Run for Victory 5k (2001) 27.52.1

Short-Term Running Goals:

In the next 6 months I would like to feel fitter, look fitter, run faster, and not feel like an elephant plodding along. I would like to improve my 5K times, and run a marathon in October. Goal for the marathon is 4:30. Not sure if this is possible....

Long-Term Running Goals:

Let's just get through the summer, then we can talk about long term running goals!


Trying to get in shape through running. Not sure I enjoy it -- I feel it too much, I am too loud running.. it is not graceful. Not pretty. I have had some euphoric moments running, like when listening to Bon Jovi (I know...I know) or Tina Turner (you're simply the best!!) but these moments are not that often. I love how I feel after accomplishing a run.

I love the treadmill.... Love my ipod... blink 182 (are you feelin' this..) and a whole mish mash of other tunes that get me moving. I want to be better, faster, more graceful... and more accountable- therefore I am here.



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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 249.00Nap Time: 2.00Total Sleep Time: 251.00
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Ran this morning on treadmill..... Call me a dork, but I love the treadmill. It is consistent, smooth and I am in charge of what's happening.

I warmed up with 1 mile walk... the did 3 slow miles of just running a very easy pace...12:00, 11:00, 10:00 then for the next mile i did some speedwork. 30 second intervals with 2 minutes rest. I did 4 fast :30 7:30 mile pace, then for the last one I did :45 6:50 second pace. Do people really run faster than that???? felt good. 4.5 miles.... i will get on the scale son to give myself a benchmark of where I am... just too afraid to know now! Anyway, great to find this tool as I get started on my journey to "re-fitness". Talk to you soon... Jill

Night Sleep Time: 8.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.50
From sarah on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:13:10

I think that's great that you love the treadmill...means you don't dread exercising in any condition because you can just get on the treadmill. Most people around here call it the dreadmill. Good luck on your training.

From jtshad on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:13:55

Weclome to the blog.

From Kerry on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 10:53:23

Welcome to the blog and good luck in meeting your goals! There are definitely times when the treadmill doesn't seem so bad (like this morning with whiteout conditions and very icy roads :)

From Walter on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 11:55:27

Welcome to the blog! Gracefullness will come, just give it time.

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yeah!   I motivated myself to run after work-- on the treadmill-- my beloved treadmill.  Felt fine tonight... just did easy miles, with every mile faster than the previous one.   I started at 12:00, then 11:00, 10:00, 9:00, then 11:00 and then walked for a few minutes to cool off.   I feel good!  

Now the challenge will be  to see what happens tomorrow! 

 A sincere thank you to those that commented- wished me well, and encouraged patience.   You are right, I will get there... I am excited!   More tomorrow.   Ciao!

Night Sleep Time: 8.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.50
From Benn on Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 19:27:37

Great job getting out there for a run! And FYI I think your 4:30 goal is definitely doable. You'll probably shatter that goal by the fall if you train consistently this summer :) Great to see you on the blog!

From brook on Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 20:47:48

Welcome to the Blog.

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Today was beautiful- cherry blossoms are starting to peak.   I had a late conference call unfortunately whcih kept me at the office later than I wanted to be.... I finally left at 6:15, and took the metro a few stops short of my final destination.   I walked 3.5 miles home.    This I suppose is a rest from the running, although still a good workout.  I wear my backpack and walk like a nutcase in my sneakers. It was just nice to be outside and see all the early spring enthusiasts outside getting exercise.   It's like we are all coming out of hibernation....   Welcome spring!   Here I come!  

Happy new day everyone!



Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From jtshad on Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 10:07:47

I was just in the DC area (Foggy Bottom) a couple of weeks ago and just missed the cherry blossoms. I would have made my runs on the Mall all that much nicer.

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Ran OUTSIDE tonight!!!!!!!!  

Ran with my brother Jason tonight outside.  I got a great promotion today at work- to Vice President- and I think I was still on a high when my brother asked me to go out for a drink to celebrate, I asked him if we could go for a run instead.  

We ran at a good clip- steady and did not stop.   It was a route I had not been on before- seeing beautiful huge houses in Chevy Chase every step we took.  

It was great!   Much harder than treadmilling it, but well worth it!!!!    Talk with you soon!   Thanks blog and bloggers for keeping me motivated!!! 


Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From barry on Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 21:17:40

Welcome to the blog and congratulation on your promotion. Keep up the running.

From jtshad on Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 09:02:22

Nice run again...congrats on the promotion, wow a VP! You are a real runner when you celebrate something like this with a run rather than a drink (although I would have followed the run with a few drinks!).

As a VP, maybe one of those huge Chevy Chase houses will soon be yours!

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Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Happy Friday to you! Tonight I ran on the treadmill after getting home from work... and getting myself pumped with a new Runner's World magazine.

I walked 3 miles in total today- not shabby. Tonight was great to get in a quick run --it put me in a better mood to run before dinner. (Need to remember this next time I am tired and unmotivated after work.)

(For those interested-dinner was Vace pizza-mushroom and spinach, light on the cheese, salad and a few sips of a Miller Light.)

The weather is supposed to be raining this weekend... so I am not sure what is going to happen. Anyway, good luck to everyone, and enjoy the weekend!


Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
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Hello my blogging buddies... While all of you probably had an awesome weekend, and are proudly writing your race reports... I must tell you that I am laid up with my paw elevated. 

On saturday, right before I was about to go for a run, I thought I would get a few things done around the house.   Well, as I made my way to the basement, I missed the last stair and my left ankle definitely moved in an unnatural way! the ER on Sunday morning and left with crutches, an air cast and my orders to stay off the paw for 3 days at least and take 600mg i-buprofen every 8 hours.  Thank goodness, its just a sprain, and not worse, but discouraging nonetheless.

Man, I am soooooo miffed!!!!!!!!   I am into running, into my training... maybe this is my moment to reflect on what I really want out this training.   Lord knows I have at least 48 more hours to think about it. 

So, Talk to you all in a couple days.   I swear I will be back soon!  If the pain is negligable, and I can put some pressure on it... when can I get out there?   Going to the ortho on Wed. so maybe he will have a time table for me.




Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Allly Holt on Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 13:47:24

welcome to the blog! I hope you get feeling better soon. Sounds painful! I love the treadmill too! People think I am crazy. My ipod is the best thing ever. It makes such a huge difference for me to have music. Get feeling better soon!

From jtshad on Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 15:13:24

Hope your ankle gets better and that it is not too injured.

From Maria on Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 17:28:17

Jill, hope you feel better soon! What category sprain is it? If it's not bad, you may be able to start running in few weeks. I had a really bad sprain 15 years ago (so bad, I still remember it), but I was stupid, didn't go to the doctor and let it heal on its own. I could still feel it few months after if I jumped. But you're doing everything right, so you should be back pretty quick.

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Today was a new day for me.... and a good one at that.   Today was the first day of mt marathon training program with the WWW.MCRRC.ORG group. 

As you all know, I sprained my ankle about a month ago.... and I thought that would be the end of my steady progress.   Nope, Not me.   Eager to regain my footing, I set a goalto run another marathon and today was my first run since the sprain....   8 very slow (killer slow) miles.   

Our pace was a lot slower than I wanted to run at.. but the angel sitting on my shoulder convinced me that the first run on my ankle should be conservative.... and the run leader assured me that I am building my base- and not training for a marathon pace just yet. 

Wednesday is the first day of track practice to gain some speed... I am very excited! 

I have missed blogging- and missed all of you!   Happy to be back.. wish me well!  







Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From jtshad on Mon, May 05, 2008 at 10:01:27

Welcome back and I hope the ankle is doing better.

Run strong and good luck at track practice on Wednesday.

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"junk miles"

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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tonight was the first night of track training....   i thought it was going to be speedwork, but we just ran our sloooooow pace (11:20) for the 4.7.   I guess the good news is that I think I am the stringest runner in my slow pace group...   and I am willing to see this slow stuff through.   Apparently, there was one woman who ran in the 11:20 pace group last year that ran a 3:55 marathon- which is not too shabby in my book.   The idea of the group is that they look at your last race time- I gave them my 1/2 marathon time, and then they have a "formula" that figures out yout LSD run pace group- so mine is 11:40 (BUT I am staying in the 11:20 group...) I can walk faster than 11:40 minute/ mile!

So, unlike my brother who could not stand the pace, and moved up to a faster group... I will stay...   And use all these miles as a base.. and maybe a way to stay in a fat burning zone longer .. by the time we get to picking up our pace and really doing speedwork in August, maybe I will have attained one of my goals.... to enjoy it more and not feel so un-graceful out there.    I am officially signed up for the Marine Corp Marathon on October 28!

So, thanks eveyone for your comments.... !    Have a great night... and a great Thursday!  



Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From jtshad on Thu, May 08, 2008 at 08:08:45

If it feels too easy, do this for about a week and start moving into the faster groups slowly. You are right to use this as some base mileage to get your ready to hit the training for MCM soon.

Let me know how you like the MCRR club and their runs. I come back to the Germantown, MD area regularly and have considered joining some of their runs.

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4 quick miles on the treadmill, (my first love!)

Doing a 10k on Sunday and then need to put in 3 miles following to stick with my schedule.  I am hopeful that I will get a good enough time to move up pace groups!  Will let you know how that goes!






Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From sarah on Sat, May 10, 2008 at 23:33:22

Good luck on the 10K. I was just reading your personal section about running being good sometimes. I have a quote that I love that talks about life being like a train ride. Most of it is bumpy and boring but every once in awhile you look out the window and experience a beautiful vista or lovely sunset. (I didn't quote it exactly). But basically I guess running and everything is like that. A lot of work with some wonderful paybacks now and then. Hope you enjoy the race.

Race: Rubin's Run 10k- Tenafly NJ (6.2 Miles) 01:01:00
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This was the 10k I was trying to do well in....  Well, I had a bit of a problem at the start line- an overly happy first time 10k that thought that I could pace her....   I did not agree to this, in fact, I told her I was planning to run this very slowly....becuase I did not know what kind of shape I was in.....   She wanted to hang with me.... and I could NOT get rid of her! 

She told me that she runs 8 miute miles and runs 5ks all the time but never had done a 10 k before.   Ok, so bell rang, off we went... I was right at the front.... we get to the first mile marker, I look up and see the time clock:  7:49 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (this color should be red, not pink- red as in the color of my face when I saw this incredible and way-too-fast -for- me time.)

Anyway, I slowed way down....mentally I was thinking  that if i kept up taht pace, I might be dead in another 3 steps.  

So, I finally finished 10 minute miles....  could have done much better if I would have just not given everything in the first mile.   Next time!   I am still happy that I got to enjoy a beautiful day running outside!      

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
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Should have done more.... should have done more... but this will be a long training process. No need to beat up on myself.

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
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Wednesday nght track practice... and I used my Nike Sportband to track my run.   It was a 10 minute mile pace... and it was a beautiful night- low 70's.   

This sunday is 10 miles,  and I am starting to feel my sesamoiditis (tendon inflamation in my foot) sneak up-  but I am taking Vitamin I 800mg. and will not let this slow me down!

Will let you know how it goes!





Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Ten miles today!  10 whole miles! 

Great job Jilly!  


Night Sleep Time: 7.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.50
From jtshad on Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:05:29

Great job on getting in a 10 mile run. Keep up the training and the Marine Corps marathon will be a great race for you.

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Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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10 mile long slow run.  11:10 pace, and I actually finished well ahead of my group....  it feels so good to be the fastest of the slower runners.   Maybe I am exactly where I need to be in this training program.   Talk soon... sorry for the crappy word-less entries.   I will get back into it soon.

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
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4.870.004.87 told me that my route tonight was 4.87 in 48 minutes.   it felt really really good!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 13:33:59 is awesome!

If you did a 1/2 marathon in 2:18 you will have no trouble running a 4:30 full marathon - I bet you can break 4 hours easily!

You're getting faster, congrats!

From Jill on Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 13:43:49

Wow- Lucia, thanks! I definitely hope that I can rock this marathon. I did not even train for the 1/2 that I did, so I am just training, doing everythign that they are telling me to do, and so far feeling great! Tonight is track practice. ...Will let you know how it goes!

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for the past two nights, it has rained--poured-- at the tail end of my runs.....we have had tornado warnings, winds, rain, it has been incredible!  It feels like I live in Kansas.   I kind of like this weather- I feel as strong and powerful as the storms when I am running  in this crazy weather.   

Hope you all are doing well...  Almost 11pm  - well past my bedtime.    Sleep well, runners!


Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 10:37:29

We're not in Kansas anymore! :)

I feel the same way about the weather, one thing is to run when it's nice out, but when you're running in a crazy storm, soaking wet, you feel so tough, with cars and people looking at you like you're insane. A great feeling, ha! Now be ready for some heat this weekend!

Race: Gaithersburg XC 5K (3.1 Miles) 00:29:54, Place overall: 33
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What a great way to spend a friday night!  At 7pm, our road running club had a XC race- my first XC.  I had no idea what was going on at the start- and everyone took off soooo fast!  

It was fun though... My husband who is a cyclist and not a runner- maybe runs 10 miles a year did the race in 7.34s, my brother who I am training for the marathon with did the race in 8.38s and I did 9.38s.    I was thrilled...It was 86 degrees... and very humid.  Not bad.    One question:   How do you run downhill?   I totally thought I was going to lose it on the downhill and I did not want to hurt myself.  Anyway, it was a fun friday night- after we grilled in the backyard and rested on the hammock! 

Tomorrow (sunday) is a 12 mile... it is supposed to be 95 degrees with a 110 heat index...  wow, I am going to be zonked.   Talk soon!  

Night Sleep Time: 7.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.50
From Lybi on Sat, Jun 07, 2008 at 11:49:39

Great job on your race! First XC this season! Sasha told me once that when you run downhill, just completely turn off the brakes and fly. Depends on the grade, though. Don't really know what to do if it is a super steep downhill.

This is a good time for a really hot race like this. Good luck on your long run! You deserve a smoothie for sure!

From jtshad on Sat, Jun 07, 2008 at 16:59:45

Great race and glad you were happy with the run (and of course a good BBQ never hurts). As for running downhill, increase your turnover a bit and use the hill to increase your pace but do not overstride. Downhill running is a fine side you hold back too much and kill your quads, the other you are out of control and can cause other injuries.

Our weather is exactly opposite...cold, windy and wet. We need some of your heat here.

From Lucia on Sun, Jun 08, 2008 at 00:47:50

Nice job on the race in this weather - I'm dreading my long run tomorrow too, since it's supposed to be even hotter than today... I'm hoping the trees around Rock Creek Park will keep the temps down a bit. Have fun!

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12 miles today in 90 degree heat and super humid conditions.  We had several runners in our group call it quits early.  the heat was bearable on the trails, but by the time we got downtown, just past the lincoln memorial, the sun was really brazing and I could feel it on my shoulders.   After mile 8 I stopped to get more water- and I rang out my ponytail....   YIKES- there was probably a pint of water that fell to the ground.

I feel really good now...   the last mile was tough, because it was uphill past the US Capitol and to Union station, but I was thrilled to make it- came home took a shower, jumped into bed with my legs elevated and passed out for nearly 2 hours.  

I always look at runner blogs and think- "wow, he/she is awesome for running 12 or 14 miles"  Happy I can be in awe of myself today!  

This is a good chance for me to begin to really step up my mileage...which I need to do- so we will see how I do this week.... More heat and humidity to come!     Thanks for your comments!   Have a good week.



Night Sleep Time: 6.50Nap Time: 2.00Total Sleep Time: 8.50
From Lucia on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 08:32:23

Nice job out there!

Any chance you'll be running the Lawyers Have Heart 10k on Saturday morning in Georgetown?

From jtshad on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 09:31:23

Great run, now those 5-6M are easy runs for you! What a place to run in downtown DC with all the sights, have fun.

From Bonnie on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 19:46:07

Great job, I am in awe, I don't miss the heat and humidity! I used to live right near there (on 5th and H NE) until about 2001. I did not run then, but go back quite often and love to run in DC ... for a big city they have some great places to run!

Keep up the good work.


From Kim on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 19:50:14

That does sound like a neat place to run! Congrats on an awesome accomplishment in running 12 miles in the heat!

From wheakory on Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 23:12:20

That's a very tough run in the heat. That shows that you have a strong fitness level great job. Make sure you keep getting plenty of fluids each day with that heat.

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today was an other hot and steamy day-with the mercury reaching 96.  My brother and I agreed to run at 8pm.   So I raced home from work, changed and jumped in the hammock to relax.   In came the thunder and lightening!   And, it was a very strong storm- kind of scary and exciting at the same time.

Jason arrived and off we went right after it stopped raining.   It felt great - and we went a bit faster than usual.   I am nervous that Jason is gaining speed and strength and endurance faster than me, and I fear he will not want to run with me much longer!   But, I also realize I am being kind of silly - Jason likes having a running buddy and who better than me, his sister?!

Anyway, I am so happy that I got out tonight.  Mother nature is not going to hold me back!  No, no... I got to keep on movin'

Talk soon- happy running!  

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From Lucia on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 09:47:05

That's right Jill, this weather is not going to hold us back! It's so cool that you get to run with your brother.

Nice going!

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Ran tonight with Jason and Greg. It was fun... I love my husband (Greg), the animal athlete, very much, but I love the time I can spend with my brother running together. We were very close, used to live in the same building, so when I moved and got married, I lost that closeness. Now, we have training for the marathon to do together. It sounds mean, but I wish Greg did not want to come with us. Eeek... I feel bad saying this! But, I love Greg and we do so many things together so I kind of wish I had this one thing to do exclusively with my bro.

Anyway, very glad that we all got out there tonight and ran! Sorry for venting tonight! Happy running! Can you believe tomorrow is thursday already?!! Awesome!

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From Lucia on Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 09:34:08

Nice going, Jill! You are so lucky for having such awesome running companions. It seems like you do get to run with your brother only sometimes, right? If not, maybe talking w/your hubby would be good... It is very easy to understand why you'd want to run with your brother alone, at least sometimes; he shouldn't be hurt by that! There's nothing wrong with wanting to do something on your own.

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13.... weather was much more pleasant than the 96 degree heat we had the week before.  it was very mice- started out humid, but ended up beeing very nice- even breezy by the end of the run.   i felt good.   bring it on!

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From lucia on Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 11:04:26

Nice work, Jillzo! What a difference this nice weather makes, ha?

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

ran with my brother....   was good..  i feel feel a little bit of pulling on the inside of my heel/ankle.   need to stretch!   talk soon.   Blog entries are short because i have my dad here visiting this week....   not a lot of extra time to blog.  talk soon.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
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ran this run with Jason, my brother.   Had Chinese food for dinner the night before.  I am not used to eating out and I could instantly feel the salt cause this tingling sensation in my face.  The next day, I felt terrible, during this run.  Just didn't feel on top of things.   Was glad we did not go longer than 8.25.   Eating out is just not good for you!   That was my lesson.   Sorry for not writing a ton lately, hope everyone is doing well and rockin' it.  

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
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the only thing that hurts is the outside of my ankle, up to my calf.... anyone know what this is?  I iced it tonight... could it be my achilles?   It is ok to run on... it feels like tighness at first then after a while - maybe 30 minutes - it starts to stretch out.     I am really loving running.  I did this run tonight by myself!  :o)

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From Lucia on Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 23:18:38

Hmmm... I'm not sure what you mean by "outside" your ankle, I think the achilles tendon typically hurts on the back of your leg... It may just be that you need to stretch your calves more? Hopefully it's nothing serious... Good for you for running on your own and for that long! Hey, what kind of music is in your ipod when you run? I'm trying to make myself a nice running mix...

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jason and i ran tonight- both with iPods, and we ran a lot faster side by side both with our own jams playing.  It was a lot of fun.   I will fill you in tomorrow on what exactly we were listening to to make us run fast!   Happy running, hoping everyone is doing well!   Jill

Night Sleep Time: 7.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.50
From walter on Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 23:41:58

How did you like the marine corp marathon. I have a friend from Nebraska that ran it and his finish photo had a guy in a pink tutu with a pink womens top on and a pink head band and my friend really wanted to buy a finish photo so he hammed it up for the camera and when he saw that the pink nightmare was in front of him he wouldnt buy it. So I did! I sent him an 8x10 very funny! but he keeps trying to get me to do it. Is it a good course or hard?

From jtshad on Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:15:15

Sounds like the knee is feeling better. Keep running strong!

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Today is a rest day for me… after 2 big runs (big runs for me) I think I need a break…. I walked up the metro stairs this morning, and my quads could feel it….

I think I like doing a long run on Sunday and then follow it up with shorter 5-6 mile runs during the week. For now, I think I like that approach more than running 4 or 5 7-8 mile runs. I think I am less tired and look forward to the runs if I know I will be home in an hour.

On to music… for Lucia who asked about my iPOD.. it is filled with a bunch of ridiculous stuff... from the Jackson 5, Gwen Stefani (Hollaback Girl), Nike Powermusic, Nelly (I am #1), Blink182 (Are you feelin’ this?), Notorious BIG (ha!) and then there is Cher and Tina Turner….

How can you not run fast when you hear these Cher lyrics….

If you can give it,  I can take it

'Cause if this heart is gonna break it's gonna take a lot to break it

I know tonight somebody's gonna win the fight

So if you're so tough Come on and prove it …

(yeah ok, I am a dork, but I will do whatever it takes to increase my speed and distract me while I run.   Until I feel euphoric running, I will just have to settle for listening to Cher. :o) )

It seems that all my aches have gone away too. I had a great massage with a guy that incorporates stretching. It was so nice… Not cheap… but worth it. I hope to have an excellent run tomorrow. Take care!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 00:53:42

Good to take a day of rest and listen to your body - then come back stronger, right?

Ok, so now I don't feel like a big dork so much; I also have ridiculous stuff to get me moving when I run (though typically I run without my music player), so I'm glad I'm not the only one! I downloaded "Move along" from the All American Rejects the other day and I can't get enough of it!

Love the new picture, by the way, you look super young to be as old as me :)

From walter on Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 09:24:14

I finally found a good massage therapist who does stretch also. It makes a big differance. As far as your Ipod, I think you need to update some songs ms. holla back girl! Funny!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

not enough sleep.   but a good run... very humid out today but i durvived. :o)   We got lost getting to the meeting spot where we were supposed to meet the group.  So, we parked at their 1.5 mile mark and jumped into our respective groups 1.5 into the run, hence a shorter run.   It was a good and quick run....  

I am going to try to get 4 more in tonight...  I feel a little guilty cutting the run short.


Night Sleep Time: 6.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.50
From Walter on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 14:58:57

nice run, your on the top of the mileage board now! keep up the good work even in harsh weather.

From Lucia on Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 23:33:01

You've been doing so great, you can cut yourself some slack for cutting this one run short... right? Do you get Runner's World magazine? There was a great article on running and couples in the May issue, including Kara Goucher and her husband and other runner couples - you'd probably like it.

Old Rag is a great hike - White Oak Canyon is in the same area of the park, but while Old Rag is all about the views, White Oak is all about the waterfalls. I'd highly recommend it.

Have a great week!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

did this run by myself.  good run.  

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

ran up and back on the capital crescent trail.   a very nice run- noting hurt... felt fine.   did this slightly longer run to make up for a light running week.   gotta get my mileage up!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

check this out people!  a 15 mile run fom Ken-Gar park to Lake Needwoood.    I felt great!   My running group leader said I was ready for any race I wanted to do.  Mike, my running group leader and I actually sprinted back in to cross the finish mark - I was amazed to find I still had a little energy left in the tank to pick it up at the end.   It was great. 

It was very very humid today, but not really that hot, or sunny.   We were well shaded.  A few things made a difference, I think.   Yesterday I added a little salt to everything I ate.   I was also cognizant of the amount of water I was taking in.   Also, I got a new pair of sneakers- Brooks Glycerin- they are purple - my favorite color.   Also, got a new pair of running nickers- Under Armor compression wear... which I love to run in.        Anyway, I am very happy to be up to a great start for the week.   

I think I have been a little inspired by the olympic trials.  Those guys and gals are so awesome.   I am really curious to see how gabe jennings does tonight in the 1500. 

Talk to you all soon!   Jill



Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From jtshad on Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 09:59:36

Awesome run! Your training has been looking really good, keep it up!

Can you believe that Alan Webb did not qualify? Whoa!

An in the men's 10,000M, can you believe the results and how low a few of those great runners finished (Adam G., Dathan, Meb)?

And how about Kara, Jen and Shalene in the 5000m finals!

From jill on Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 11:01:43

Jeff-- Craziness... It looked like Webb was trying to make a move, but couldn't do it. Overall, I respect the system, but it seems like so much is riding on one single event! Tyson Gay will not get to compete in the 200. Adam won't get to run the 10,000. (His whole trials experience seems incredibly disappointing). What about crazy Gabe Jennings who did not have the A standard... He is such a weird and fascinating guy. Just did not live up to his own legend. Thanks for compliments on my running... I feel good. I still need to improve speed and also, work on feeling like I am graceful as a gazelle, even if I don't look like one! Have a great week!

From Lucia on Mon, Jul 07, 2008 at 17:01:05

Nice work girl! It is the little things that make a difference, isn't it? Congratulations and here's to a great week!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I am putting these miles in my "slow" column, even though I ran them pretty fast- at least a lot faster than I have been running with my group.    I ran them on the treadmill and just wanted to get the legs moving on Tuesday night.   

The guy came to fix our alarm system so I really did not have the time to go outside- i was running out of daylight too quickly.   Anyway, it felt good!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Tonight was the Mormon temple hill run.   I realized that this entry or this run, may actually be of interest to many f you, since we did hill repeats on the road that also houses the huge LDS Temple.   Here is a link to a most incredible view of the temple:

It was a great run, even though we ran it in the POURING rain.   I kept having flashbacks of being a kid playing in a thunderstorm and my aunt yelling at my cousin and I to come indoors from the weather.   Well, tonight, everyone was encouraging us to run the best we could in the circumstances...  It felt like we were runnign uphill with a river of raging water trying to push us downhill.  

It was great fun.   We went afterward wiht the group of runners - about 30-40 of us to a scottish pub for beer and a few chicken wings.  Yummy!   (I hate to say it, but they were really good).  

Happy wednesday everyone!   I can't wait to read your entries-  They keep me motivated and inspired to do better. 





Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 13:38:24

Wow, what time did it rain out there? The weather yesterday was crazy - I went out, it was sunny, 30 minutes later it was pouring on the East side of Capitol Hill, and a few minutes later I was running on dry streets; it didn't even rain West of the hill! You are doing amazing Jill, keep up the good work!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Movin' on up!

Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00
From jtshad on Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 08:29:32 the top! Good run today, keep it up and you will be more than ready for the MCM.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I felt great- Jason did not.   We stopped our run to walk because his tank was empty.  That's ok, he will owe me one! ;o)

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 11:56:42

Nice job on the long run this weekend! I hope your brother feels better next time - if not, you'll have to find a new running companion ;)

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ok, so I am writing on Tuesday about my Sunday run. Sunday was 17 miles -- it was SOOO hot and humid, although we had some good cover from the trees on the Cap. Crescent trail. I woke up late, and had to run faster to catch my group about 3.5 miles into the run. My ipod helped me to pick up the pace and jam. Finally i caught them, and then I felt like going faster, so from mile 5-7.5 I ran ahead of them to our water stop. I arrived at our stop 4 minutes ahead of them, so I did have a pretty good pace.

The way back - a false flat all the way- was much harder. I actually had to stop for the first time at mile 15 and then I would walk-jog- walk-jog. At mile 16, I got sick of feeling weak- I am usually one of the better stronger runners in my little slow pace group. I found the energy to pick up the pace for the last mile.... And I finished strong.

It was just a hot humid 17 miles! Then I went to the beach on Sunday - Today I am sitting here burnt to a crisp. Soaking in the sun can be so tempting sometimes for me! Although, I am really thinking that I need to use my brain to make better decisions about using suntan lotion. Have a good week everyone!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Kim on Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 16:50:59

Hot, Humid, 17 miles, finished strong....GREAT JOB!

And be good with the sunscreen! That sun can be a bad, bad guy!

From Lucia on Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 15:40:20

Nice work, Jill! The weather was insane this weekend. Thank you for your message too! You're going to have a great race on Saturday! We should sow a little bow to our running t-shirts so we can recognize each other; it's an out-and-back so it'll be nice to have someone to look for and high-five!

From PlainJane on Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 16:33:56

Jilly, you are an inspiration ... I couldn't imagine 17 miles at all, much less in that heat. BE CAREFUL and keep on keepin' on ... I'm gonna stick to the bike for now :-)


Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Race: Riley's Rumble 13.1 -half marathon (13.1 Miles) 02:30:00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Submitting this report from the comfort of my bed.   Rumble rhymes with humble for a reason.   This was the most insanely hilly course I could ever imagine running. 

I felt like junk today running... from the first mile, I just did not feel good.   At the turn around I was wondering how I would make it back.   The people I run with who are usually at the back of the pack were breezing by me!   I was perplexed....  I had the chills from mile 3-- could it have to do with the sunburn I got last week?  I drank soooo much water and gatorade... Its hard to believe that I could have been dehydrated.    I even put salt on my toast this morning.  At mile 11 I found some strength - after 2 gel bloks, and actually really ran quickly the entire mile.   

Wow- I am humbled.   I will say that my ABSOLUTE highlight of the race, that inspired me to pick up the pace was seeing Lucia- fellow blogger (And, she does not call herself Argentine Rocket for nothing!!!!!) at mile maybe 5.   This was awesome seeing Lucia- We recognized eathother by putting a pink tie of our shirts!    After a quick hug and hello- we continued on our paths!    Lucia, You Rock!  

I don't know my final time.   Once I have the official, I will enter it above.   I remember that I finally crossed the line at about 2:30 --- hard to believe it was slower than a past 1/2 marathon where I ran 10:21s!   The hills and general lethargy had a lot to do with it.   At least  I know that I have work to do!     Going to try another in a few weeks so I can improve my time.   Today was just a funky day!   But again, seeing Lucia was worth the pain!   

I am going to rest now-- happy Sunday. 


Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 12:16:33

Jill! I'm sorry you didn't feel so great - Sometimes it just happens; don't get discouraged as you will have plenty of great races ahead. I guess I was mentally prepared for the hills, after seeing the course elevation profile and all, so being prepared for the worse got me thinking they weren't so bad. But I'm glad you thought they were awful, now I feel better about not having run a big PR. I wonder why you got the chills; you've been doing so great in your training runs! Hopefully you'll figure it out soon in time to rock your next race!

From Lucia on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 12:18:17

Hey - it looks like you have to enter your distance here - it says total distance zero... Once you correct it, we'll both be at the top of the mileage board!

From Bonnie on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 16:20:43

Good job getting out there and finishing what sounds like a tough race when you didn't feel good. This will make you mentally tough!

From Kim on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 21:36:37

Hey Jill, Lucia said you looked beautiful when she saw you so nothing else should even matter! ha ha! Lots of people can run the perfect race, but a very few can look beautiful out there! :)

I think you should feel good about your effort! It sounds like a rough course! Keep up the great work!

From jill on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 21:40:38

ha ha Kim- Thanks! I was not feelin' too beautiful out there today. I just simply had a bad- real bad- day! I am going to do another 1/2 soon- becuase I can not stand looking at this time! I know I can do waaayy better than this. It is almost surreal... I did stop a lot- talked to people at water stops, cuz after all, I could not push too much harder. Next time... True Bonnie- if i got through this, I can get through anything! Thanks for the comments!

From Burt on Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 21:54:54

Congratulations! Both you and Lucia are awesome!

From jtshad on Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 12:47:00

Congrats on running a tough race. Just think of it as strictly training and learning for your goal race(s) later this year.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

quick 5 miles tonight. after sunday, my legs were SO achy. my quads they actually hurt. this has not happened yet throughout all my training... and my race pace was actually slower than my LSD pace... funny....

Not really, it just shows that something funky was going on Sunday that I had no control over. gosh, I just hope that NEVER happens again!

Anyway, was not sure how I was going to feel tonight so I just took it easy, and I felt good. I will be back on track soon.

Have a great week!

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

18 miles today--- and it felt ok!    I am thrilled that it felt ok.   I am not ridiculously tired, like usual.  I actually feel pretty pumped.   Hoping this will be a good week, in preparation for the Leesburg 20k.  I registered for this race, although I will miss the 20 mile run with my group, I want to conquor this race mentally.. need to get riley's rumble out of my mind and have a good run. 

Happy sunday!  It is a beautiful day here! 83 sunny and not too humid.   Talk soon.   Jill


Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From jtshad on Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 18:44:13

Awesome run! Your training is going well, keep it up and stay healthy...good luck at the 20K race.

From w on Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 00:25:03

Isnt funny how you feel crappy after a run and then thirty minutes after that your planning on your next race? Thats called addiction my friend, and we are your annonomous friends. Addicts are we!

From Walter on Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 00:26:04

oops that was from me.

From Lucia on Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 16:21:32

Way to run Jill! You'll rock Leesburg on Sunday, and I'll be there to volunteer and cheer you on!

Addiction is certainly what it is, Walter. I am going through withdrawal right now, after only one day of not running! You of all people should be able to come up with some funny 12 steps to recover ... can you handle the challenge?

From Walter on Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 17:46:09

Oh man! That is quite the challenge. I may be up for it although I may only be able to muster up 1 a day for 12 days! My first step to recovery is beverage of choice! You just worked hard and cutting out alcohol and fizzy drinks has been somewhat of a burden. So Drink up, youve earned it! But not too much because your probably light headed as it is but Celebrate! Do the robot dance or sprinkler or the running man whatever era your in.

From Walter on Tue, Aug 05, 2008 at 18:24:48

Ok I just thought of number 2! If you cant be an athlete, be an athletic supporter! That is by far my funniest! Ill keep thinking.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Thank God we are starting to do some "speed" work.   The word speed is laughable since our "speed" work is supposed to be 10:20 pace, but tonight we did 9:45 min/ miles on the fast miles, and 10:20 on the slow ones.  I got home at about 9pm, and Jason and I stopped for pizza-   Ate too much!  Darn it!  20 minutes after I finished, I though I was going to keel over and die...  not too many of these kinds of nights, but I really hate when I do this to myself.  Yukk.... 

Anyway, I felt good- maybe still a little tired from doing the 18 on Sunday - but I think tomorrow I will feel really good.   I plan to run again Friday and then take off on saturday in order to rest a bit more for the 20k on Sunday. 

Thinking about Lucia- the argentine rocket-- hoping she is doing ok- and is resting and not beating herself up over the stress fracture!  Sending you good vibes, and happy thoughts!   

Talk soon my friends.... 



Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From walter on Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 10:31:16

Pizza will drop you to your knees after a hard run! lol Have you seen the website It has a calculator to help you figure your speed workout times with the distances. Just put in your latest race time from the distance you ran and it will predict your marathon time down to half marathon and even mile time. Its pretty accurate.

From jill on Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 11:00:05

Walter- After I run this one next race, I will do the calculator... I can not bare to think that Riley's Rumble would be a predictor for me. Actually, the way I felt last night after downing 4 slices of crazy pizza sort of resembled the way I felt during Riley's Rumble! Can not wait to do a better job on Sunday. I just wonder if training slow makes you slow? It is supposed to be a theory of running 2 minutes slower than your typical pace will make you a strong marathoner... I think however, my legs have forgotten about whatever little speed they had. This weekend should be a good indicator. Thanks for your help! You rock!

From w on Thu, Aug 07, 2008 at 12:06:42

Trust me running slower doesnt make your times in races come down. Not running at all does! Oh and eating crazy pizza is not a good recovery to runs which I cannot put in the 12 ways to recovery for lucia. lol I have used the calculator to help bring my marathon times from 3:30 to 2:40. It really does help you to try to stick to the times they show for speed workouts and even tempo runs. Oh it also tells you what your slow long run times should be around also. I gave this to a 55 year old neighbor lady and she ran her fastest marathon in 4:00 hours. She used the calculator on her training for St. George last year and busted out a 3:40! So awesome!

From Lucia on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 08:55:22

Jill!!! You are really making us anxious about your race yesterday, how did it go??? Thanks for thinking of me my friend! Don't beat yourself up for one night of eating too much. You have the entire week to make it up for it!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just wanted to use the leggers before Sunday's "race."

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Race: Leesburg 20K -- (10:12s) (13.4 Miles) 02:06:36
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

OK, I accomplished what I set out to do.  I erased my last 1/2 marathon time from my mind, and can now focus on this, a much better time!     The first 7 miles of this 20K were uphill- more like a false flat - very gradual, but you could tell the second was going to be a lot faster.  

I had fun  -- just tucked in behind a couple people that were keeping a steady pace, and then at the turn around I refilled my water, which caused me to stop for a minute, then I picked it up again, and it felt good.   Then I started feeling great at mile 7.5 and was passing people one by one until mile 11.5.    I felt really, really good!   At mile 11.5, I my last little cup of water, and gave myself permission to walk a couple steps (BAD MOVE- and never give yourself permission to do anything but run when you have less than 2 miles to go!!!)   I think this stop was mentally not a good thing, and it got my body out of rhythm (did I spell this wrong?), and yeah, mentally, it felt bad seeing the people that were a step ahead of  me, now 30 seconds up the road. 

Anyway, there was a little uphill finish, which I enjoyed, and passed 2 more people on my way up to the finish.   Overall a very enjoyable experience.   Makes me think that I can actually improve if I keep it up.   Good job, Jill!  


Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 09:32:13

Good job indeed Jillzo!!! Congratulations, that was a great time, and passing people is always a bonus. I heard from others doing the race that the first half was quite steep. You are doing amazing!

From Kim on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:09:38

Yeah Jill! I looks like you did a great job and even learned a few more things along the way!

From jtshad on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:50:49

Great run Jill! That's what these types of races are good for...learning. Use this race as a way to enhance your training so you will rock MCM!

From walter on Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 13:09:38

I have had a race like that where my shoelace came untied and the 3 or so people that passed me kept there lead and I couldnt catch them. Its almost a bit of a boost when someone stops. It takes a long time for me to get back to my grind it out pace. You did a solid run for some hill climb! Just keep running. (Dora from Nemo) I added running instead of swimming, hope you dont mind!

From jill on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 12:54:15

Thanks for the comments guys and gals! Yesterday I was pretty tired, even treated myself to a "sick day" which I never do, and really didn't need to do, but an afternoon staring at my flowers from a hammock sounded too good to pass up! Today I am ready to rock and roll again. Tonight, I will hit the path and see how I do. Very excited about this last race... I think intensity feels good, and produces good results. I think I may have even had a runners high for part of that race!

Lucia- Nothing is steep compared to Riley's. :o)

Just keep running, just keep running... Yes indeed I will! Thanks all you hot-stuffs for your comments! You guys are great!

From walter on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 22:59:44

MCM is a marathon I really want to do some day. Im glad Im young still right!? Um I dont hear anyone? Ok I think that was something coming in on my telepathic chart from Lucia or Jeff but im not sure. That race that Jeff ran in his photo looks pretty cool too. I have so many places to go! Jill, its ok to take a break once in a while. Just dont get in the habit to do it too often ok? lol

From Lucia on Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 23:37:50

Walter, you mean that voice that said "young... rrriiiight!" yeah, that was me.

Jill, here are some more song ideas for you: "Don't stop believin'" (Journey) and "Flashdance" (what a feeling!)... they sure top Tina Turner!

After we're done with the 12 steps to recover from running withdrawal we should come up with the top-10 list of inspirational running songs! Would "Eye of the Tiger" top the list???

From walter on Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 00:32:05

I knew it Lucia! Jill you have to keep her on your buddies list for sure! Yes Eye of the Tiger should be on the list. Dont you love how nobody judges your off days around here!?

From jill on Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 09:17:30

Lucia & Walter-

Here is what a total goofball i am. This is what gets me motivated...

1.) Eye of the Tiger- (already on my ipod!)

2.) Africa by Toto

3.) I knew you were waiting (for me) George Michael...

Ok, but seriously...I was starting to feel embarrassed by my music, so here are a few of my new KILLER jams...

1.) Paper Planes- MIA

2.) Surfing on a Rocket- AIR

3.) Praise You - Fatboy Slim

4.) Numb - Sia.

Ok, Now, Walter, how the heck do I get over feeling tired and sore, and lead-like after the 1/2 marathon.. I took Monday off...Last night I just did a couple baby miles, and tonight I will run. How do I get hardcore like you? Need a top 10 list on this... I understand,run, run more, run, run shut up and run. No excuses. I did take last Thurs. & Fri. off- not good. Bad Jill. Bad. I want to do better...I just need to quit the excuses and do it. Roooaaarrrrrrr....

Ok, have a good day kids... I have to do some work!

From walter on Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 09:51:59

Ok you and Lucia are keeping my brain alive with these lists of yours. I have to say I have heard some cool songs that have come out lately. One of them is the Bartender song. The name of the singer is Rehab I also like Fergies clumsy and dont ever forget Barry White's Lets Get It On! My secret for recovery is cats milk. Its hard though you have to find the right cat to warm up to you. lol I dont know Jill, I guess I drink alot after and try to find recovery drinks and a great big steak! OOOH or BBQ, YES! Famous Daves is the ticket. Im getting excited sorry. Im like the Seinfeld episode when George mixes food with sex. Funny!

From Lucia on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 09:12:48

Ok, so I had to look up your songs and added them to my mix - very nicely done! I've posted my top 10 too.

Here's a list of lists to complete:

- 12 steps to recover from running withdrawal

- top ten songs that inspire us

- top ten sports movies that inspire us

- best post-run foods/snacks

- top ten tips to get hard core like Walter "rabbit" Wall-e (yeah, I don't like your nickname either, must come up with a new one)

- Top ten nicknames for Walter

From walter on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 10:03:50

Ok Im going to have to make a list while Im at work and write these down because now your being just plain silly Lucia! I hope your not trying to pick on me! I still have to finish my 12 step recovery program geesh. My head is spinning, I need to lie down.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Just a couple of miles to get my legs feeling good again.

Ran capital crescent trail with a non-running friend. We ran these miles at 10 min/mi pace.

Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Last night was speed training night on the track.   we did 4 x 1600 at 1 minute faster than 1sd pace.   So, our fastest time was still pretty slow... only a 10:10 mile....     So slow.  I wish I could run faster...  How do I get faster?   

Anyway, I was also pretty tired- but extra vitamins before I went to bed to restock my ssystem with the good stuff- b complex, calcium etc..  so tonight is a rest night, and tomorrow will be long run, before we do 17 m. on sunday.      Happy Thursday y'all !!


Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From Lucia on Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 13:16:33

You'll get faster Jill, just give it some time! Love the new pic, you'll have to tell me where you got that skirt!

From walter on Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 17:17:54

Jill, I would run smaller distances and build up over the weeks to 1 mile interval running. Maybe start with 8-12 400's then the next week do 4-400's and 4-8 800's and keep increasing up to miles over the weeks. It has helped me and another thing I learned from Logan Fielding is to decrease your rest times so you have shorter breaks. Its hard but your times stay consistant. It worked for me when I did that. I did 6-1200's with a 1 minute rest.

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

ran home from work this afternoon.... it felt really great and i ran fast miles, except for the .5 mile I walked up the huge hill on east west highway.   I like running home.  



Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From walter on Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 23:50:22

Thats cool you ran home from work. I have heavy equipment that I have to move and its hard to grab a guy from the job and have him follow me so Ill run to the truck, move it and then run to another truck. My guys know Im insane. By the way, I just noticed your new picture. Very nice. Im so jealous of those running skirts, they look so cute! Im going to have to figure out something like that for men. Maybe a plaid running kilt. lol

From Lucia on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 02:44:36

Guys running on skirts:

The running commute is the best, cause you feel like you're killing two birds with one stone!

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 09:37:13

Wow, I thought that was going to be the Sasha that owns this site. That guy is incredible. I did a half marathon at high altitude this year called the Bear lake half and I won it with a time of 1:19, it was not as competitive but it was flat at a higher elevation and it wore me out. It was the first year running so I got the course record. I know high altitude running takes its toll on you because I ran a 1:13 half last weekend! Thats 6 minutes off that time! I still think the running kilt would be funny! Especially from my background from grandparents coming from Wales. I wonder, would I have to put a liner in it? lol

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 09:44:27

Holy cow Lucia, I just noticed the post time you put on here! Doing a little partying are we? funny, I was watching the olympics and saw that. Hey did you know I just got tickets to Boston for October 24th! Im going to salem on Halloween! Ive been wanting to do that since I was a kid! Now Im taking my kids to it. Better late than never. If you go to the website and register they will send you alerts on air fare from your state and let you know when its cheepest. I got round trip from SLC to Boston for 125 Round trip! It came to 160 with tax! I was amazed!

From Lucia on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 10:00:42

Yeah, came back from Baltimore late and started watching the beach volleyball, next thing I know it's 3 in the morning... That guy from the website is a crazy ultrarunner who I dated briefly but was too selfish to be with anyone - I don't know how any of them ultrarunners can handle having families! One thing is to run 10-15 miles every day and a 4-hour marathon every few months, but another is running 100-mile races every few months, you can't ever plan a weekend with them!

Salem for Halloween sounds fabulous, now I bet you are going to enjoy it more than your girls! That fare is amazing!

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 10:09:22

Yeah, running that much is insane. I work a full time job and have a hard time trying to get even 70 mile weeks in. Your funny Lucia about dating that nut job. Im glad im not a couch potato, I wouldnt have a good resume in the dating Lucia field would I? funny! I can see your conversation with guys, so what do you do for fun? I like to watch movies and drive my 4x4! rrrrrr wrong answer! lol

From jill on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 12:05:30

I remember once I dated a guy who LOVED to shop and eat at super swanky restarants (Sorry I know that I did not spell that correctly, but i cant think after running 17 miles this morning). Ok, so you would think this guys is like a dream to 3/4 of DC's inhabitants. He was sooooooooooooooooooooo BORING. It was the worst 6 months of my life. I flew to mexico for vacation and sent him an email saying that it wasn't going to work. I think it just comes down to values. We are people that value fitness, mental clarity, solid legs, abs,being awesome at what we like to do etc. I think it would be hard to be with someone that was not active, or did not support us. I love that my husband wants to stay on friday nights to prepare for a big day of exercise on saturdays. Anyway, not sure where I am going with this, but I hope Lucia that you find the guy that has the right balance.

And, Walter, yes, you would need to wear a lining in your skirt. :o)

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 13:14:42

Ok note to self. Keep the liner in! I always thought it was funny to hear people tell me they planned their vacation around a marathon. Are you kidding me? Now look at me! Im that person. I used to get mad at my sister in law when we would go camping and boating, she would wake me up at 6 on a campout to run with her. Now I do it. I have a natural alarm clock in my head that I wake up to its weird but I wake up without an alarm clock now.

From Lucia on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 13:57:41

You guys are making me laugh out loud!

Planning a vacation around a race IS fun - traveling to crew for a guy running all weekend long for 100-mile races several times a year can get old quickly... I'd only see him at the aid stations when he grabbed water and gels from me and kept on running, and by the time he was done running he was sleeping for days! Not quality time in Lucialand... but the guys in Cedar City with their big trucks were not my style either, Wall-e.

Jill, you and I are so alike! Like you, I've dated guys with great jobs and lots of money who loved to spend it on bars all night and a weekend getaway to them was to drive their convertibles to a winery... don't get me wrong, that is fun every once in a while, but EVERY weekend, come on! Variety is the spice of life. You and your hubby seem to have found a great balance!

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 14:43:12

I do have big trucks but I cant stand them because I dread work, and thats all I use them for. I hope that doesnt rule me out of Lucialand! My neighbor does those 100 milers and his wife is the same way, sick of wondring where he is. You should have tried to get him to run marathons or halfs with you. Jill, I forgot to tell you way to go with the 17 miles! I think I put it on Lucias blog! Im confused

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

What a beautiful day it is today!   17 awesome miles... they felt good- really good.  I really like feeling strong enough to break away from my group and run 3 or 4 minutes ahead of them.  I am thinking that I could easily move up a group or 2, but I like the people in my group- been running with them since May, so I dont feel right leaving them now.   So as long as they dont mind if I charge ahead of them and just wait to regroup at water stops, I think its ok. 

right now I am icing my leggers.... can feel my ankles.  and when I got home I took an ice bath!   I thought I would really hate it, but heck, I am from Boston, and go in the cold New Hampshire ocean  every summer... I can handle an ice bath once in a while!!!   Loved it!

Ok, going to watch some olympics.   Gotta spend some time figuring out what the marathoners are sniffing, and what happened to Deena. 

Later ... Talk soon!

Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00
From snoqualmie on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 12:46:23

Well, it cheered me up to see someone having a great run this morning, as mine was pretty awful. Congratulations on the good workout!

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 13:08:38

Wow woman! No wonder you havnt responded to our blogs for a while! 17 big ones this morning huh!? I didnt know you were from Boston. I hope you saw my blog to Lucia, Im going there in a couple months to fulfill a life long dream, Halloween in Salem!

You know the best ive ever felt after a marathon is when a lady came up to me after St. George and offered to give me an ice rub. They had Frozen Ice in cups and would rub you down with them! Ohh sooo awesome! I got up from that and actually ran a mile cool down. I have never ran after a marathon in my life! I wakeboarded and water skiid the next day! It does help

Im glad to see you guys group up like that. I have found some really fun groups to run with lately, it helps even if your faster. They understand trust me. Keep up the good work.

From Lucia on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 14:01:44

You rule the freaking world, Jillzo! 17 big ones, that's fabulous!

Let us know what the marathoners are sniffing!

As for the group, I'm sure you'll find interesting people in the faster folks... and you can do some runs with the slower group and others with the faster group! I'd hate to see you slowing down for other people when you can reach a faster goal! I know, I know, it's not all about speed... the social aspect of runs is awesome too...

From walter on Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 14:44:36

Ok there you are! Now my confusion is turned to embarrassment. Sorry. Not bad to get two compliments by the same person huh!?

From walter on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 22:01:06

I know its 10 pm there now but if you go run 1 mile, you'll be on the first page of the top mileage board! You can do it!

From Lucia on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 22:06:30

If you do it I'll buy your lunch tomorrow Jillzo!!! :)

From walter on Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 22:13:45

And Ill buy a gift certificate for the next day hows that sound. But you have to run 2 miles, one for Lucia and the other for me. That will put you 1/2 mile ahead of me!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

No shortcuts for me, baby! Not tonight!  I got some catching up to do!  I got home and jumped into our jacuzzi tub - the really deep one- and "chilled" in the ice bath for 10 minutes.   It was very hot out....   But it was a good run.   I do have a little annoying somethign or other around my right ankle - the one i shattered in 7th grade when i went on a snow tube off a massive ramp somone built- crushed the little balls on my ankle... and I feel it a tad on the inside.  Se la vie... it won't stop me!  

Lunched with the lovely Lucia today- this blog is a wonderful thing.  I guess Sasha gets a huge thanks for bringing all of us together.

Talk soon cuties-   Jill 

Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From jill on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 21:41:35

oh darn- if i would have run just .8 miles longer, I could have been on the mileage board! Bummer dude.

From walter on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 22:05:49

wal-zo? Nicely done number one! Im glad you put in some quality miles. I think about injuries all the time and why we go through them. I think in the next life running will be a non necessity. Hopefully not but I always think about that. Will it be competitive or will there be a 5k fun run every week. lol Keep it up Jill.

From Lucia on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 22:19:27

Wowww Jilzo, 9.2 big ones, you're rockin'!

That ankle accident sounds really painful, ouch! Hopefully it's nothing more than an annoyance and the ice bath will help make it better. Keep up keeping up!

From walter on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 22:44:30

Ok Jill and Lucia, I just went out to mow the lawn (thats what we do in the west) and I was limping. My leg needs Ice. So I remembered that I have this cool little icing cuff. Its called Cryo Cuff made by Aircast. The web site is: and you can get one for your ankle or knee or shoulder whatever. You fill the water container up with ice then water, let it sit in the water a bit then the sleeve goes over your knee or ankle etc. and it works great. You can buy them online. Im going to use mine right now.

From walter on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 18:44:52

Jill are you being quiet because you know Im sending you some bright white velcro shoes? lol Im crazy, ill do it! Sounds like someone got the touch of the busybug!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Walter and fans, my tibia malleous is swollen...  Walter had suggested the cryo cuff contraption...   no chance.   The thing is bizarre looking.   So instead, I took yesterday off, and today ran part of the way home, and then went to see the massage therapist who fixed my knee problems.   Terrell is awesome....I think the best in our area.  Its  not a relaxing massage - rather he spent 1 full hour on my ankle alone.   I know it will feel great by morning.   I can't wait to see him again, even if it does break the bank.      

I hope you all are doing well!   Talk soon.  


Night Sleep Time: 8.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 8.00
From walter on Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 23:11:15

Im honored to be in your report half pint even if you disagree with my ugly style of choice. lol Ok so its ugly but you dont have to walk around town with it. Its for when you rest at home. Thats all I gotta say about that. If your half pint, maybe Ill be albert! Orrrr what was half pints hubbys name? lol I think someone out there or even on this blog has made a voodoo doll of us and is messing with us! good run with the inflamation. Be expecting a package soon! Cheers

From Lucia on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 09:12:44

Ok girl, so I'm not getting the half pint joke... is it one of those American things I'll never understand, like baseball, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, or why they let that boxer who killed his wife out of jail? :)

Sooooo sorry to hear your leg is swollen... I got one of those calf/shin support compression bands at Walgreens (the one on M and 22nd or 23rd) - it's black and very fashionable. Maybe you should give it a try! I hope it gets better soon!

From Jill on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 09:29:31

Lucia, Little House on the Praire star, Laura Ingalls was affectionately known as Half-Pint by her Pa(her dad). What was the spanish translation of half-pint?

Walzo, Who was albert? I think I watched the younger years, you know, when bacy Carrie was born to the family, and when Ingalls children had a pet racoon that went rabid, and Pa had to kill it. What was that little hussy's name who worked at the candy store/ apothacary who was always causing trouble?

Anyway, you guys are fun... Talk soon!

From walter on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:18:54

See Jill, Lucia likes it too! You just have to try it to see if you like it. I think personally that it works better for me than a crummy pair of velcro shoes!

Jill, Albert was the adopted son that came onto the show I think in the middle. Nelly olson is the candy store owners daughter and then later on was replaced by a snobby little girl who I forget the name of and they either adopted her or she was a niece.

Believe it or not my parents would only let us watch that show growing up. or the brady bunch, and leave it to beaver. Have you seen the Vh1 episode of Leave it to beaver that they claim they had pulled out of archives with the Mom and Dad sitting at the table in the morning and he gets up and yells up to the beaver and says time for breakfast. The scene is somber because beaver got into trouble and was punished. Then while the beaver is coming down stairs the mom says to the dad "Ward, Dont you think you were a little hard on the beav last night?! Im serious! They play that every once in a while on Vh1.

Race: Annapolis 10 Miler (10:40s) (10 Miles) 01:46:37
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

I thought I was runing a lot faster.... I felt OK, but not great.     I am picking up on a couple of things:  1.) I get hot quickly, and hate baking in the sun.   2.) I am great with short little power hills, but need to get better on the long winding hills. 

I ran 10:40s- not great - but I will take it.  My ankle is pretty inflamed - the tibia malleolus and I am trying to ice it as much as possible.  It just gets stiff- and I could feel it a little out there. (Not making any excuses, just laying out the facts).  I think I need to concentrate on doing some intervals, to help increase my speed.  And, I need to drop like 5-6-7-8 lbs before the marathon... which feels nearly impossible, but it is true. and i think a 6 lb. reduction would help greatly.  

I checked out the times of those in my slow running group...  I think my time was the best... but I was only about 7 minutes faster than the heftiest gal in my running group.  What makes someone fast vs. slow?   Am I destined to be a slow runner?    

Anyway, I am off to the beach for a week, where I can ponder my future as a mediocre runner.  But, a runner nonetheless.    I have my ipod, 2 pairs of sneakers and lots of running clothes.   Right now, I am icing my ankle. I also bought this miracle creram called IB-Relief.. which has arnica, and ibuprophen in it.   I really like it- dulls the pain. 

Lucia, how did your friends do that ran this?  Were their times slower becuase of the hills?  

I guess the good news is that my PR is still awaiting me... I will get you eventually!    have a good week everyone!   I think I will actually really miss you while I am away!    :o)



Night Sleep Time: 7.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.50
From Lucia on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:19:24

Nice work Jill! Sorry about your ankle, I hope it feels better soon!

I heard the same thing from my friends. It was very hot, humid, sunny, and hilly. Three of my friends who ran it ended up with times about 10 minutes slower than the Cherry Blossom 10-miler or the Army 10-miler, so you should be very proud!

I feel that intervals were really helping me get faster. Also, run shorter races once in a while (5ks). I hear you on the weight - we are obviously not overweight, but like you, I know if I want to get faster I'd have to shave off 6-8 lbs... It's not easy while training for a marathon though. Intervals help with the weight loss too, I think...

Have lots of fun at the beach!!!

From Bonnie on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 13:25:36

Hi Jill,

That is a very tough course. Everyone I have ever known who has run it has struggled with both the hills and the heat. You are not a "mediocre" runner, you are a tough cookie. If I were you I would run at least your long runs on a hilly circuit (meaning up and down the whole way) -- not worrying about speed, but working on strength. It will help you a lot with hills (and speed) - once you get used to the long runs on hills then run a shorter hill circuit a couple more days a week. Don't worry about blasting up the hills, just think "strong strong strong" and run them at the same effort as the downhills/flat parts.

Great job!! have fun at the beach!

From walter on Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 23:52:38

Jill I hope you read this before you veg out like a celebrated runner after a nice hard run! You better be icing that alot in the water or bags of ice or my boot!

I read an article that talks about speed work and interval workouts and how you will burn more calories and lose weight faster when you do 1 to 2 workouts a week. Look at me Im bordering anorexia and ive been faithfull to doing my speed workout. When I see a track I get excited! Literally! I have to hose myself down afterwards! lol Ok so there is my input, output, importer, exporter.

From nicole on Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 01:02:51

Good job on the race! I definitely hear you on the "destined to be a slow runner" bit, I feel exactly the same way. I just don't understand how some people naturally run so fast, when my sprint seems to be barely a 8 something mile! You did awesome though and I'm sure we will both get faster eventually.... (I hope?)! Have a good vacation!

From jtshad on Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 10:16:55

Good job at the race in tough conditions! Sometimes you have a race that you look back and learn from as opposed to going for a PR. Bonnie's advice is right on, keep the base mileage up and then look at speedwork later to fine tune and slowly improve running efficiency and form for faster running.

Have a fun vacation and I hope the ankle heals up!

From Lucia on Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 23:34:50

Cri-cri... cri-cri... (that's the sound of crickets cricketing cause we haven't heard a peep from you in a while)... Still on vacation? We miss you Jill, come back!!!

From walter on Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 00:12:10

who who who, look up here look up here. You too you too, whoo whoo. (3 amigos) Sorry I think that is the classic line in the movie when Steve Martin is up on the brick wall trying to get the attention of his buddies while hes making bird noises. Maybe Jill decided to run away. lol

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ok, gang, I am back..... Ran 20 miles on Sunday.  And, this was what I needed to re-ignite the fire.   Or at least get a spark going again!

I had a wonderful vacation- ran only 3 times... for a weeks total of 20 miles... not very good, but I really think I needed to give the ankle- tendon a break.   In fact, I am sitting at my desk right now, stretching it out and thinking taht I need to pop a few advil. 

I feel the tendon really ache- when I walk up stairs, run uphill etc...  The thing is, once I get going, I actually feel pretty good.   I think thet once I warm up the tendon, it feels a lot better.  Yesterday, on Monday, it really did not hurt.  Today, Tuesday morning, I can really feel it.   So, I will quit complianing, and continue to ice it.    It just kind of dampens my rinning spirit a little to know I have a little nagging thing that I have to think about.  

Anyway, I signed up for the Philly half marathon on the 21st... and I am totally excited for a road trip to Philly.     The 20 miler on Sunday felt great!   I ran it much faster than our LSD pace.  I ran the first 7 slow, then picked it up considerably and probably averaged 10 miute miles for the entire run.  I felt good and strong- and it did not feel like 20 miles.  I think that the rest really helps, so I know that tapering will really help me feel rested for the marathon... but I am not at that point yet... so until then, I will keep truckin'.

Also, can you believe that lance is coming out of retirement!?  Crazy.  I think all his women chasing has made his retirement more exhausting than his years of racing!

Later guys and gals... Happy to be back!







Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 14:45:16

Welcome back girl! You are going to rock Philly! Nice work getting back out there, sometimes some rest is what we need to come back stronger.

Shocking news about Lance, I hope he wins!

From walter on Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 20:39:49

Oh my jillzo minillzo, Ive been going crazy making fun of other people on here and getting in trouble. Im glad your back to help level out the playing field. Some runners on here (including myself) need more than a break from running, they need a life! We all just need to lighten up. lol No I wasnt insinuating that I make fun of you. But I can certainly try. lol Thats good you felt good after a nice long run. Oh and yes Im jealous of the R&R you were able to muster up! Cheers

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ha... three measly (?sp) miles.  BUT one little mile was done at an 8:00 minute mile pace... which I think was a first for that kind of speed.   I think I could have kept going too... and for the final .2 I tried to go at an under 8 pace, but I could feel the pulling in the ankle. 

Also, its getting dark here now at 7:45.  I really can't be out after dark, even though I live in a beautiful neighborhood, there was a woman raped 2 weeks ago on the trail just 1 mile from my house.  Hit on head and taken down... not good. 

Lucia- be careful out there! It was in RCP. 

Anyway, I have missed you guys a lot... Time to check in on Lucia and Wally.   Later kids!




Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 11:07:27

Nice job girl! Awesome pace! You are getting wicked fast!

So sad about the rape in Rock Creek Park! I used to run the trails there alone thinking it was not a big deal, but now I'm not so convinced. I don't run with music on trails, so I'm more aware of my surroundings that way, and I know self defense, but still it's a very scary thought!

Lunch Friday?

From walter on Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 19:07:39

I love trail running but hate the thought of something jumping out at me. Do be carefull and try running with someone when it gets darker. I had a bum swipe at me with a stick on a park river trail later at night. It was dusk and I have no idea why he did it, whether it was I scared him or he thought i was a girl or who knows, but he just missed my head as I ran by him. They make some light weight mace containers now that you can run with. You should check into them.

I still need your address by the way so I can get your 5 year present from me. lol cheers

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

tonight I did the alberto salazar nike "get fast" training run on the treadmill.

it went a little somptin' like this:

10 minutes @ 10:30 pace.

2 min @ 9:20

2 min @10:30

2 min @ 9:10

2 min @10:30

2 min @ 9:20

2 min @10:30

2 min @ 9:22

2 min @10:30

2 min @ 8:55

2 min @10:30

2 min @ 8:05

2 min @10:30

10 min @ 10:30 

I just wanted to do something a little different.   It has been a long week at work... now I am icing my ankle... can really feel it.

Hope all is good for you!



Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From walter on Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 00:18:01

wow, that is impressive! hows the weather there? Is it getting chilly?

From jill on Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 17:08:58

Chilly? No! Right now it is raining .. humid, and will be high 80s tomorrow.

Overall, yes, it is getting cooler, but not chilly at all.

Impressive? Your skinny self is impressive... I am just trying to be half as fast as you and Lucia. Happy weekend.... I get to leave my office chair in 20 minutes! I am counting them down!

From Walter on Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 19:15:02

Its 5 oclock somewhere huh? Thats funny. I just got home from my busy day. and its exactly 2 hours after you wrote yours. You have a great weekend yourself. Are you doing any long runs? Im going to be back in your neck of the woods in 1 month. I am excited. I had a speaker from Boston talk to us from the company that I do my side business with called Exfuse. Its a health supplement drink. He was so awesome. Im mesmorized by you Bostonites and your accent! Funny.

From Lucia on Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 16:20:49

hey lady, you've been MIA as well, what's going on? Crazy week for me but next should be better! Got any races this weekend? The DC Road runners club has a 20-mile race on September 28 that I'm volunteering at; if you're looking for a long supported run. Cheers!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Counting this as slow miles.... although i hiked these miles... we kept a really fast pace - almost speed hiked Old Rag Mountain in the Shenendoahs. fun!

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Walter on Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 09:58:22

I hear a song coming on! The hills are alive...

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran home from work....beautiful run up Massachusetts Ave to Wisconsin and all the way home....It was great!   Took an ice bath for the ankle.... stayed in for a chilly 10 minutes, and now about to hit the sack...  I am tired!  

Talk soon... Jill

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Walter on Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 23:06:33

Im so jealous of the sack right now! lol I could use a good beating. Good to see your not in denial here on the blog. So are you going to do R&R with Lucia in January? You could be right there with her.

Jillzo, Im going to laugh the day you send me pictures of your cryo cuff on. If not then those bright white shoes Im getting you as soon as I get a size and shipping address. lol Im sure youve annihilated the sack right now and are probably deep in REM. cheers

From Walter on Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:25:33

Hey you great big silly goose! What happened, did you let your vacation get to your running? lol Hope all is well. What am I retarded? Im such a wanker! Well Ive got to pawk my cawr in the hawbor yawd! Bye!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Race: ING Direct Philadelphia Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) 02:20:10
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Not happy, but not surprised.   You get what you give, I guess.  I am a little disappointed - I feel like all the slow running is making me slower overall... becuase I have gotten too used to being comfortable out there.    After I finish the marathon, I am joining a faster training group so I can get uncomfortable...and hopefully quicker.   Boo.....   

A couple things I learned:   1.) Don't wear brand spankin' new sneakers on the big day. ( i know this, just figured, what the heck.)  2.) If the 7-11 woman tells you that you can't pee in her store, don't waste time begging... more on to the next shop with a public bathroom.   3.) If you have to pee at mile 2, you've over-hydrated, esp. when only 65 degrees. Don't drink so much.    

Clock Time 2:27:53

Chip Time 2:20:10

Pace 10:42

10 Km 1:03:25

10 Mi 1:45:41


Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:32:17

Jillzo! You did a great job out there, don't beat yourself up! It's always good to learn from our mistakes. There's always next time, and this was an unplanned race for you anyway. Let's go up there to beat up that 7-11 lady together!!!

It's great to hear you want to run faster - I can help you with that in a few weeks. We can run towards your house after work, and I can take the metro back. Let's do it!

From Walter on Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 18:51:02

Jillzo, its good that you ran it though, now you can be a better person from it. I think trying to urinate is hard to do back east! There are no places to go! lol Im sorry for the reality check here but when youve gotta go youve gotta go right! Im also surprised at the race not having enough porta potties there. But all in all proud of my J-runner for busting it in the chops. Ive had my bad races and it makes you better! Put it behind you and lets get signed up for the R&R Arizona! You Can Do It!

From jill on Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 19:58:30

Thanks Guys! Today my fortune in the newspaper said something like "now is the time to focus on your exercise and diet to be ready for the challenge ahead." Can you believe it?? Lucia & Wall-e. Road trip to 7-11 to get that crazy woman!! Also, I need to rock something again soon- my legs don't even hurt today! How bad is that!! My husband says that I did not concentrate since I stopped twice to pee, and once to chat with the pedic about salt. It is sorta true that I don't have a lot of focus through the discomfort. Wall-e and Lucia, you are like the complete opposite of me- long, lean and fast! I so want to be in your legs...and since I can't be, I will just have run with Lucia until I am stronger. Going to look for a 5 or 10k for saturday and do my long slow slog on sunday. Thanks for not writing to tell me I am crappy runner and should quit. Talk soon.

From Walter on Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 20:19:05

Wow Jill, they have you pegged to a T! Thats good you have recovered already. Keep up the good work. Another race next week! Awesome. Your becoming quite the lady runner! lol

From Lucia on Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 21:28:40

J-dawg, the Navy 5-miler is this Saturday, super flat course, and small race around Hains Point. Also, I'm volunteering at a 20 and/or 5-miler in Alexandria (Mt. Vernon area) on Sunday if you're interested.

So funny that you stopped to chat with about salt! Once I'm back to running I'll make you concentrate, or else...

From Jill on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 09:00:46

Lucia- I was thinking about the penguin 10 miler on the towpath on Saturday and then the 12 miler with my slow group sunday. Maybe I shoudl do the 5 miler with more intensity? What do you think? Or, should I just get in the miles by doing the 10 at a 10min/mi. pace on saturday? When can we have lunch? Talk soon! Are you going to the ASAE dinner tonight?

From Lucia on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 09:09:48

Jilly-o! If I were you, I would do the 5-miler and try to do it faster... Since it's a flat course you will do great and that will give you a boost of confidence. Then you can do the 12-miler as a recovery run with your group. I think you've done plenty of long runs and you've felt good during them, so the endurance part is definitely there. Check out Josse's blog - she's tapering for St. George but she says she's still doing some fast runs. Wall-e, what do you think?

Not going to the ASAE dinner unfortunately - those are so fun! Lunch Thursday or Friday would work for me! I can't wait to catch up with you!

From Walter on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 09:21:40

Yeah as long as you are well warmed up I would do some speed. Dont get injured though! I dont want to have to make a 12 recovery list for you Jill!

From Jill on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:13:48

My boss is co-chairing the I have to go! Lunch friday would be AWESOME. Ok, I will sign up for the 5 miler! I will look at run washington to see where it is.. etc. Talk soon rockstars.. I love it. I now have east coast and west coast coaches. Its like I am J.Lo or something.. Maybe J.No.

Talk soon cuties.

From Jill on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:17:02

Lucia- The Navy 5 miler is on Sunday... That is my long run with the group. So, I will do the Kensington 8k on Saturday and then the recovery run on sunday!

From Lucia on Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:19:44

You are, you are, Jillzo from the Block! :)

Sorry about the date mix-up - sounds like you have a good plan though! Nice to have so many races in the area, ha? Ok, I'll e-mail you about Friday, have a fabulous day!

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

Ran home from work, picked up my brother at mile 4 and we ran about 3 together and then we parted ways and I ran home.   Exhausted, going to bed now.... sweet dreams.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From marion on Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 22:56:58

nice miles :) Great race...even if it wasn't what you'd hoped for. The changing seasons can make hydration rough :)

From Lucia on Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:42:51

Fabulous run, Jilly-o! You rule the streets of DC!

From Walter on Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 23:42:21

I cant believe I missed jillzo's blog yesterday. Good runnin' woman! Sleepy time!

From Lucia on Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 16:24:08

Name the tune:

Lady, when you're with us, we're smiling

Give us, whoa-oh-ah-oh, all your blogs!

Your blog builds me up when i'm sinking

Write me and my troubles all fade

Lady, from the moment I saw you

Tripping, whoa-oh-oh on the street

You give all the blog that I needed

Not shy, like a runner who blogs!

You're the LADY!

From walter on Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 23:44:43

(Seinfeld) on cake day elaine's co-workers sang this song. I sing it now to Jillzo: Get well, get well soon, we hope you get well soon! lol

From marion\ on Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 12:00:11

Jill- where have you been? :) I hope all is well! :D

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

ran about 3, walked  / ran a total of 6 to test out the old ankle.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

ran 7 on my own, after 3 the day before felt good.   I think the ankle is okay....   I miss running, and wish I was where I was end of summer- but i am not... I had to take 2 full very full weeks off becuase of the compacted liganments in my right ankle.  

I just want to be fit... I don;t want to stop. and I want to have a strong marathon where I have a PR.   Even with the 2 weeks off, this is the most I have trained.   I just want to be in the 4:00s.  Like 4:50 would leave me feeling elated.   We will see.  


Talk soon.


Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

busy week,but did these 2.5 at 6am....   total of 3.25 with a little walking in there too.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From walter on Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 01:04:08

Man I think theres something in the water for us bad luck runners. We must take it easy! Keep up the good work and Ill see you in the funny papers. Cheers

Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance

3 quick ones.  Glad that nothing hurts.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00
From Lucia on Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:25:59

Aaaaand she's BACK!!! Glad to hear nothing hurts! You'll totally rock MCM, Jilly-O! Definitely under 5 hrs. FO SHO!

From walter on Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 23:33:46

Be extremely carefull. Now that your body has had a good rest stretch lots after and call me in the morning! lol Ok have you thought about R&R Arizona yet? Ive found a pal to pace the marathon with for a 3:40 goal. I think you should start training. lol Slowly but surely and you can do it! Just picture your fellow neighbors in Boston cheering you on "Jill, Jill, Jill Jill" I can here it now.

From Lucia on Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 00:00:24

Jillzo you are so funny! No Starbucks breaks during the marathon, OK? I promise I'll take you to Starbucks the week after! Be well, get sleep and eat well these next few days, they're the most important ones!

From walter on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:09:52

My little things I do before a marathon is I stretch. Get a massage and drink lots of fluids. You know I saw an article on Dean Karneaz on how he runs while he is working. He will run and get a coffee, put it in a container thats strapped to him while he's running. I dont think drinking coffee is any different then taking those nasty gu's along the way. Just be careful when you drink it! sip sip, Dont want an accident like on the show Seinfeld, when Cramer accidentally has the elite runner grab his coffee. I laugh at that every time!

From jill on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:15:36

Thanks walter! I think I am ready.. I did 10 miles on Sunday and tonight will do 4 miles just to make sure the leggies are moving. I feel like I am ready as I am gonna get. I am a little nervous about my stomach. The last time I saw Lucia was about 2 weeks ago, and that is when I told her I had stomach ache... It has not left me... So, it may be an ulcer from the advil, but I am not sure.. I am gonnna go to the docs after. Its a very dull pain.. no sharp pains. So, I am a little freaked out.. but its not going to stop me. I will be so happy to get this over with. My husband and monther in law keep telling me that I can stop at any time if I need to... and I hate that. I don't want an "out"

I have been reading the newpapers, and they keep talking about how grueling a marathon is.. and that is making me nervous. I like my 20 mile runs. They are not easy- and I am glad when they are over.. so what is another 6? I can do this, right?

From Lucia on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:16:54

Jillzo! You can do it!!! You'll do great!!! No pain, NO PAIN!!!!

From jill on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:20:47

ok, what about you? How is the pain today?

From Lucia on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:27:16

I just added an entry today - check it out... 7 lbs since Sunday - hooray! No pain, just discomfort, and a really really really strong wish to brush my teeth!!!

I'm worried about your stomach ache... Hopefully it's just a bit of strain in your abdominal muscles? I had that a few months ago, and it just went away on its own. I know you don't want to get out, but you can if you have to. Part of being a good runner is knowing when it's smart to stop. There will be other marathons to run but there is only one Jillzo!

From jill on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:29:41

holy good god! 7 lbs! That is crazy.. Is that safe!!? Make sure you drink ok!!! I will be ok. If the tummy is not better after the marathon, I will see someone. I don't think that I will need to stop. Yes, I may walk a bit, but I think I will be ok.

From walter on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:44:05

Yes Jill, most definitely you can do this. The last 6 miles are always mind over matter, remember that. I had a few tips from friends that told me on the last few miles to talk to yourself. Sing a song, tell yourself how proud you are! Then just take one mile at a time and break it down and push through.

My stomach gets that way after to much caffeine. I try to quit drinking Coke and anything with it and drink water, juices, etc. Be careful it could be something more, just know your body and pain threshold and you can tell if its severe or not. Dont be a statistic! Have fun, you'll do well, Im coming to Boston tomorrow night! Ill be there Sat. Morning. Im excited!

From Lucia on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 10:49:48

That is great advice, Wall-e, to talk to yourself on the last few miles - that works for me too, just tell yourself over and over that you can do it and you're so close to the finish, etc. As you know those last 5 miles after Crystal City and before the finish line are TORTURE! I'm going to try to to be there on the bridge to cheer for you and others that are coming. Any idea what you'll be wearing so I can spot you?

From walter on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:00:18

I was finishing a marathon 2 years ago and was in some major pain. I started talking out loud to myself saying come on! and a spectator heard me and starting yelling, yeah, come on you can do it! It actually pumped me up. I can do it! yeah! Im doing it! lol Be crazy!

From jill on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:28:33

Thanks guys...Wall-e - have no fear, I can be pretty crazy.. crazy but cute is my motto. :o) I will do what it takes to get me to the finish.

As for the stomach... I feel ok today, and I think if it was stage 4 cancer or renal failure, I would feel worse. I am a total hypochondriac, so I am just going to chalk this up to nerves before the race, and if it persists, I will definitely go to the docs. My husband thinks its the coffee too. I dont drink soda and I don't drink juice. empty calories.

Talk soon kids.. thanks for the love.

Lucia, I will pick out my outfit tomorrow. I think black knickers, and a purple nike top. It will match the purple sneakers... its all about the look. I don;t know yet if I will go with the black or white visor. I kind of like keeping the sweat off my forehead with the visor. I think I will go with the white one. :o)

From walter on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 14:23:26

I dont know how far your race is on Sat. or Sun. but if its reachable for me I may go over and watch you crazy runners. lol Im staying in Stoneham tomorrow night.

From jill on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 14:52:19

Walter- you know that I live just outside of Washington DC right? I was born and raised north of Boston in lowell, but live near the nation's capital now.

You will have to travel 460 miles to se me run! Ha. You are crazy enough.. but really, I know you will be with me in spirit!

From walter on Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 14:59:32

Ok in spirit I must. You know us westerners are used to traveling far distances to get anywhere! lol I have an aunt that lives in Lowell! She gave me the awesome Red Sox tickets when I was there in April. It is a small world. She lives in an old restored home painted all goofy to keep it original. It is a nice town!

I promise I will be the one wispering in your ear. Do it Jill, It will be a miracle!

From walter on Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 12:11:39

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILLZO! Im sure your gutting it out right now and fighting your psychy! Happy Birthday, how old are you? 21? lol Ok My Daughter, Brookie is 12 Today also! It is a small world.

From walter on Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 22:41:09


From walter on Mon, Dec 01, 2008 at 19:53:35

Im Not giving up on you! No one gave up on me so Im not giving up just yet.

From walter on Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:50:28


Slow milesFast milesTotal Distance
Night Sleep Time: 249.00Nap Time: 2.00Total Sleep Time: 251.00
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