13.10 in 1:42:03 (7:48). Started at 5:40 AM. Cold. I was back in my all winter gear. Ran up to the Smith's Mktplace and back. 4 mile warm-up, 2 miles at 7:32, 7:09, 1 mile slow, 2 miles at 6:52, 6:39, 1 miles slow, 1 mile at 6:27, 2 mile cool down. Did not feel as good as the last two Saturday runs. Right hamstring is a bit sore. Hopefully everything settles down and heels up over the next week before the marathon. Crossfit. "Fight Gone Bad" 3 rounds. As many reps as possible in 1 minute of each of the following with 1 minute rest between each round. Row (for calories - one calorie = one rep) wall balls deep sumo lifts (75 lbs) box jumps push press (75 lbs) I did 80, 70, 62. Harder workout than I anticipated, but I liked it.