17 miles in 2:14:07. Avg pace of 7:53. Great run for me. Intended to only do 16 miles, but I don't know my way around Highland/Alpine real well. Went out towards my old church and under the freeway. Connected to A.F. Main St. and got on the old Alpine Highway. Ran all the way up to the Kohlers in Alpine and headed towards the Smith's Marketplace on the Highland Highway. Eventually connected with 2600 North in Lehi and got over to 300 East. Down 300 East and over to Center St and eventually home. Ran the whole way with the exception of a stop at Smith's Mkt. Place to take a Gu. Splits were all very even and for the most part were right around 7:50s. Had some good climbing around miles 6-9. Great run. Will lift for a bit.