PM: 7.3 miles, averaged 9:13. HR 138.
Cancelled LTU class to make sure Megan could sleep and I would get up with the boys. Wamrish day for November 16 and it was in the lower 60s.
Got some races on the spring/summer calandar. I signed up for Barry Roubaix to get a bike race ont he calandar since it was at the end of April. Signed up for a 10k in early March and a half marathon June 2. Shopping around for another 10k a few weeks after that, but not finding much. I will focus on speed and 5ks this summer, looking to run a fast half marathon in one year, with perhaps a marathon in the spring, one year from this spring or perhaps two years from now in the fall, but that is the distant future. For now, I have two races on the calandar, which feels good.