AM: 10 miles, averaged 8:00. HR 151.
20' + 10'
I think these were supposed to be a bit faster than 10-mile effort. Faster than half marathon but not 5k anyway. This was my first significantly faster workout in many weeks (other than a 20' effort on the treadmill recently). I wasn't sure what my pacing should be so I used a combination of HR and pace. I was surprised to see the pace drop as I went along. I thought maybe in the 6:40s would be good. I ended up faster than that.
6:31 pace for 20' and 6:22 pace for 10'
A solid workout. Class at LTU went well, but then I got extremely sick after lunch. I thought it was odd I woke up after a short time for my nap. Food poisoning. That makes the second time this year. It was a rough afternoon. I managed to pick the boys up, but was sick here and there until Megan got home. Went to bed after that and slept through until the next day. Thankfully no activity in the night.