AM: 10.7 miles, averaged 7:56. HR 151.
20' + 15'
Based on last week's midweek and last weekend's weekender, I figure 6:28-6:33 would be about right with 6:28 being a bit more than the prescribed steady effort. For the 20' I did 6:31 @ 169 BPM and the 15' which I wanted to be around 6:18-6:22 was 6:23 @ 172 BPM. I started the 20' interval a bit steadier than last week and basically kept on it rather than progressing, which worked fine. A bit higher HR on both interval this week (though it would be higher for the 15' because it was an additional 5'), but not bad.
Weather was pretty ideal, though getting slightly warm on the 15' interval. Not looking forward to when it gets really hot and humid, but I am taking the weather and ticking off workouts for now. I think with a 2 x 20' effort next week I will have a good sense of what I can run in a half. Hoping to have both intervals right at or under 6:30 pace. I'm not sure where this leaves me exactly because last fall I had almost no workouts from mid-September until by November half marathon.
PM: 78' ride (21.1 miles). 177W. HR 123. 16.3 MPH.
Easy mixed roads loop on the Polly Ann and Oxford and Independance Township. This was more appealing than a 4-mile shakeout. Last week my legs just felt dead after the workout. Just not used to running in the afternoon after a hard session these days. The bike or trainer seems to work better on the same day as the workout.