AM: Springside Track - 6.3 miles. Bombed workout.
Warmed up 3.5 with some strides. Cool, but actually a bit humid. I almost kept going toward Flourtown because track folks have been there during the mornings and last workout I found it very hard to concentrate. I got through the first mile feeling flat but decent, hoping I wasn't running 5:50 pace. Got through the mile. Effort felt hard, but correct. I didn't see the split because the workout feature doesn't show it the way I have it set up. I need to turn on pace when the rate of failure for overshooting is high.
At this point guys were lining up for drills so I moved over. I got through a bit over a third of a mile and pulled it. Walked 300 meters did 1 200 in 35 seconds and as I came back around they were setting up blocks. So I wouldn't have been able to finish the workout even if I was able to finish the workout.
On closer inspection my mile was 5:22, which is probably more than I can handle right now. It's a non-mile-race PR, but being proud about that is kind of stupid.
I was ticked as usual, but I need to go where I can concentrate. Trying to decide if I should do a treadmill tempo this afternoon (outside is not an option as it will be 70 degrees and humid and I am not adapted to that). Try something tomorrow based on how I feel? Wait until Saturday or Sunday? Just skip it and wait until Monday to do the final half marathon pace workout?
PM: 7 miles. Backup tempo recon. It's got a bit of up and down. Might work.