AM: Springside Track - 10 miles.
4 x 1 mile @ 5k pace with 90 seconds rest. I planned this for yesterday but moved it to Friday. Moved it again to today because it is supposed to rain and be quite windy. Another day would have likely helped me hit my times but it just wasn't going to work.
Goal was to hit 5:25 for the 1600s but I fell a little short. Warmed up 3.5 w/ 800 meters @ MP.
5:25, 5:27, 5:30, 5:32 (5:28.5)
This is not how you want to run this workout but I fought hard at the end. Legs just got very tired. I was breathing full race effort in the last 800 meters as I was trying to run no slower than 5:30 and I think the first 800 of the last rep was 2:47.
This puts 5k pace at 5:30 but hopefully faster in better weather and better legs. About 9 seconds faster than my 6 x 1 mile reps, which sounds about right.
This is probably the hardest workout I do and I probably need to do it more than 1-2 times a year. I'll roll with this for now but I was certain I could run it faster.
A few things to consider: up until 2:00 last night doing work, ate too late last night, mileage is high, workouts have been stellar, it's marathon season not 5k season, this puts 45 seconds between estimated 5k pace and marathon goal pace.
PM: 4.5 miles @ Gentleman Jogger pace
+ Rolling, stretching, and core (very late)