AM: Springside Track - 10.7 miles. HR 156.
4 x 1600 w/ 90 seconds standing rest. 5k Indicator/Blowup Workout
Made the mistake of falling back to sleep for another hour or so. It didn't get too windy until the end. Felt pretty decent on the first 2-3 and didn't feel like I was slowing down but I was.
5:21.9, 5:24.4, 5:28.5, 5:37.1
HR 177, 178, 178, 180
Just under 5:28 average for 1600 even with the blown repeat. So 5:30 average. I think I can beat that in the race a week from tomorrow. I need to.
Wind gusts chewed me up on the last repeat but I doubt it would have been much faster than 5:32-5:33 if I hadn't more or less bagged it. Oh well. It's an extremely hard workout for a slow twitcher. I wanted to bail pretty bad on that last one.
About .5-1 second faster than last fall's iteration of the workout but I think I am in a better position to hold pace given that I am not late into marathon training like I was then.
Onward and upward.
PM: 4 mile shakeout. HR 129.