AM: 11.8 miles, averaged 8:04. HR 146.
1:35 w/ 35' @ Half Marathon Effort
I figured based on how I felt during the midweek this week that this would be faster than the 30' @ HME I did last weekend. It was.
Warmed up 30' w/ 1/2 mile @ marathin effort and two strides. I got the half mile at marathon effort during a warmup from Jake Krong a number of years ago. It works well prime the body and you don't shock yourself going from very easy warmup pace to your strides. Worked great. Been a long time since I have used it but it's great.
Felt quite relaxed for most of it and my form feels solid. I tried to cut down a little bit without being overly agressive as the effort should be somewhat consistent. Started out around 6:45ish maybe for roughly the first mile and by halfway I think I was 6:42 and worked it down from there, with most of the progression the last 5-8' working down from 6:39 to 6:36. Wanted to get down to 6:35, but I needed maybe another minute.
My HR through the first 10-15' or so was only around 160-161, which is sustainable for a long time for me, so maybe not quite HME to start, but I eventually found it.
6:36 average for 35' (5.3 miles) @ 165 BPM
HR took very little time to recover. Please with how things are going. Feel like I am finally to a starting point of being able to be able to move in the right direction. I will work on increasing my milage to 50-60 and then over the next few weeks once we get the treadmill (whenever that is) to 70 or so and cut back on the cycling hours a touch. I still want to do at least 6 hours of that, so maybe just fewer rides.