via Paul: Radiolab: Kenyan Runners.
I like the take here. I always assumed the ability was cultural (Haile Gebrelassie notes that he was running 10k doubles on school days), but when we say "African Runners" or "Kenyans" (to refer to those who might be from Ethiopia or elsewhere) we are missing much. The podcast shows that to even say "Kenyans" when we are actually refering to "those runners from Kenya" is reductive of great regional and cultural diversity.
Take diet for instance. Megan once told me that I would have to eat a lot of meat if I lived in Botswana, but I get the sense that Kenyans (or maybe just runners) don't eat a lot of meat (different countries of course).
Perhaps we should train with kidney stones like Dr. Poulsen? I've been thinking a good bit of Sasha's emphasis on willingness to deal with pain. We invoke this phrase as runners, but after watching college cross country I've been thinking about the Sasha's emphasis on the psychological.