AM: A Take-that!-last-Thursday-failed-workout! AEROBIC BUILDER. 13 miles, averaged 6:57 w/ 8-mile AT tempo in 51:12 (6:24 average): 6:29, 6:31, 6:27, 6:28, 6:25, 6:22, 6:16, 6:14. 3 up and 2 down.
More of a fast finish than a progression. I was working a bit, but that's okay. I was flinging fluids a bit (usually a sign I am not at all relaxed), so as long as the blog style police weren't in the bushes I think I'll be okay. Did a few loops on the .5 mile portion then headed out for the longer loop, but the road was closed, so I had to get creative.
PM: Rest Haven - 4 miles, averaged 8:13