Noon: 11 miles, averaged 8:18. HR 167.
20 x 1’ On/Off
Went to Paint Creek. Warmed up ~3.2. Felt okay, but the workout was soul crushing. I didn’t think I could get through it. It’s generally not a hard workout unless you are rebuilding and haven’t done workouts. Weather was dry but sunny and mid-80s.I wanted to quit after the 5th rep, but kept grinding and got through it. I was glad I did even though it was extremely hard. Cooled down about 2.7. Paces ended up faster than I figured. HR was extremely high. I have to check, but in recent months I think overall it’s been low 160s at most.
Found out I will be making a good bit less than last year and I am panicked. We won't starve, but getting a house in the next year will be difficult. Even after that if something doesn't improve it will be impossible.
Night: AIS, PT Routine, and pushups