AM: Flourtown Tempo Loop 10 miles. HR 152. Strides at the end. Pulled workout.
Planned to do mile repeats, as many as I could do, up to 7. I thought I had a weather window but it didn't come or I missed it. I figured I would start much slower than planned (6:00 rather than 5:45), but it was just too much in the weather and I pulled the plug about 1/5 mile into the third repeat.
I could tell it wasn't working when my recovery jogs were in the 11-12 minute range. My heart rate was pretty low, but the perceived effort and focus was a mess. They are back working on the loop so I had to shift from the sidewalk to the road and that just doesn't work.
6:04 (169), 6:01 (172)
Might have to adjust my schedule and do some high aerobic progession runs on the treadmill for my Friday workouts if the weather is going to continue. I just can't get any longer efforts in.
I was going to come home and hit the track for 4 x 400 very hard but there just wasn't time.
PM: Off. Travel to Erie, PA for a wedding.