Planned on 16, but it's been 2 weeks since my last long run. Still plenty of time, but April is booked with races and workouts. So today I thought 20 would be good, especially since I did no 20 milers last build up (I did just under 18-19 with long tempos). As it turns out the marathon got really hard about the same time as my longest long run (coincidence?). Made a loop around town and to whatever town is next - 22.3 miles, averaged 7:44 Took it pretty leisurely for most of the run, then coasted off a downhill and hit some MP miles without too much effort. 17-20: 7:15, 7:09, 7:02, 6:54, then got the legs moving at mile 21 with a 6:32. Good depletion run. No water, gels, or pre-fuel, other than a homemade bar I am pretty sure I ate around 4AM. I say "pretty sure" because I think I am sleeping eating again. This happens when my mileage gets up and I start doing doubles.