squandered a great opportunity today. weather conditions were perfect, course wasnt too bad (cept for the last mile was crazy hilly), good competition to run with..but all those advantages were lost to GI issues, i couldn't push it late in the race cuz my stomach was cramping and i was having major issues there. not really sure why this came to be, but it definitely cost me a good race. you can see it in my splits: 5:29, 5:40 (11:10, 5:35 pace at 2 mile) then hit 6:11 on an uphill and stomach issue laden 3rd mile, closed .1 in 35. I know im still coming off a pretty good week (for me) mileage wise, so i wasnt expecting to fly, but i know i gave one away today and could have run much faster if not for the problems i experienced. o well, thats running i guess.
In other news..taper time for the des moines half marathon a week from today.