1:28:50 half marathon, 3:15:55 marathon Also Completed the Ironman Triathlon ( Ironman USA Lake Placid).
Short-Term Running Goals:
Knock 16 minutes off my marathon time and go sub 2:59:59 in the Flying Pig marathon May of 2010. Maintain at least 1 bike and swim per week while training for the Pig and resume tri specific training mid-May to compete in a couple half Ironman distances over the summer of 2010.
Long-Term Running Goals:
To maintain good health have fun , travel to some cool placs to race and hopefully get a little faster in the process. Qualify for the Ironman World championships as an age grouper and compete in the HAWAII IRONMAN!!!
Married to a beautiful woman and have two great kids fortunatley they look like their mother !!
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This week:
Sun, May 21, 2006
Total Distance
6.2 mile run EZ 9:00 / Mile pace. Cruise / recovery run from long run yesterday.
From Sasha Pachev on Fri, May 26, 2006 at 11:41:35
Good job - your training has been great in the last two weeks. Keep it up!
From Zack on Sat, May 27, 2006 at 19:04:39
Thanks... I am going to continue to prescribe to your principal of 60-70 mile weeks andsee what I can run a 26.2 race in come October.... I am Bumping mileage up again next week.
I have been steadily bumping for last few weeks. Should I continue to add 10% a week...
Or should I add 10% per week for 3-4 weeks... Back off a week and then continue to build base?
I feel good thus far adding the 10% weekly.
By the way thanks for the words of encouragement...
From Sasha Pachev on Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 17:05:18
Go by how you feel. It is a good idea to keep up a steady mileage for a couple of weeks after you've increased it just to make sure your body is adjusting to it well. Some people find backing off for a week to get a break once in a while helpful. However, since for busy people backing off often happens naturally due to the lack of time, you should probably not schedule it, and just wait for a convenient moment.
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