It has been a strange week. I had planned on running up in SLC, but we had major car problems before we left and that got me down, the idea of a funeral got me down (with all that has happened to us the last few months), and my lower abs hurt enough to make me not want to even do anything. All this combined to really bum me out. So I didn't run and haven't run since. Actually my abs are feeling a little better and I WANT to run a little (5ish) today which is something that I haven't wanted to do for what seems like forever - even though it has only been a week - so I'll try it. I've decided I am going to cut back quite a bit until I get some enthusiasm back - that may be months or just a few days; I don't know. afternoon - 5 Mall Run. Not too bad of a run. Started off with the usual aches and stiffness that should be expected after a little time off, but they all mostly worked their way out. A touch of inner hip pain (hip flexor area) - I wonder if this is what is causing my lower ab stuff since it seems to radiate into that area. Did some active strecthing for cool down. (Cumulus blue 443.4)