AM - 3 Twix. Abs and then a little shorter run with the dog. I need to get up just 5 minutes earlier to get everything I want to do in - I've started an attempt to learn Spanish and while I don't have practice in the morning, I've been using some time there to practice. Some of the basic stuff I learned back in school is coming back, but other stuff is a lot harder and will take time. The goal is to have enough vocab that by the summer, I can find some way to start working on conversational stuff. We'll see how it goes. I don't know why the urge hit, but hopefully I'll stick with it. I kind of like the challenge of learning. Run was good, a little slower than usual lately, but a 172 cadence. (Pace blue 194)
afternoon - 11.25 River Trail. Ran the same route home as last Monday on the Trail to Nowhere, Mosquito, then Sullivan and home. Another solid paced run at sub 6:45 and a solid 168 cadence. My own zing for running is coming along as well. Temps are off the wall; not to brag, but I ran shirtless again. (Peg black33 461.75)