AM - 13 Clyde's Loop2. Workout today was 3, 2, 1 mile with 2 min recovery. I didn't feel very strong today, everything was just a bit off. Had that weird side ache in the heart on the first set, then the second set hit me with a major side ache. Times were still decent I guess, (5:28 ave, 5:37 ave, 5:22) but just not a good day. (Boston 268)
afternoon - 8 Hospital. Moderate mileage for the team today, so I jumped in with the boys. Legs were pretty spent from this morning and the tightness in the left quads was just hammering me. However, the run helped loosen it a little. Temps were nice. Ended with 8xbarefoot striders. (Stratus black 689.95)(Barefoot '10 120.25)