AM - 15.75 Sullivan Tempo/Grass. A couple with Twix then down to tempo with James. Had my best tempo of the year, so that was a positive. Got my new watch - a Garmin 225 - so I was able to get splits for a change. That was kind of fun; plus I had a much better attitude coming in. Went 5:53, :47, :57, 6:09 up the hill, 5:40, 5:46. 5:54 ave. finally some fives! Over to practice for some easy grass barefooting. For a little reference, I checked out the heart rate at a few key points on the route (225 has a a super sick hr monitor in the wrist!) - started around 180-190, kept the hill at 185-189, the last couple miles were a little lower even though I was tired and going faster, but it did have some downhill grade 170-175. (Barefoot '15 48.75)(Kinvara Grey 85.25) afternoon - 4 Sunrise. Just shy of 4, in the 30 minute easy run. Pretty nice for what the summer should be. Weights after. (Kinvara blue 248.25) |