AM - 14.5 Twix/Powerline. A day that makes me think, "Maybe I'll be able to run again! Ran a couple with Twix on the DM. Then a good long run for practice. Most of the girls and guys were there, but still missed a couple - enough summer crap people. Frida came out and ran with the girls and Trevor is back I town and ran with us. We went into GS and then connected to the Powerline Trail (the destruction of the desert up there is so sad; and it is so sad that our elected officials don't care and continue to approve of it so everyone can line their fat pockets. Dropped into Middleton and worked our way back through DogTown. Threw some pickups in there and had an overall solid run. I've noticed the heart rate coming down a bit too. About a month ago it was low 50's high 40's. The last couple weeks have worked down through the 40's and today was 38. Weight is still a it high. (Peg black 560.5)