AM - 10 Middleton w/ James and Bill who joined us for most of the run. Then Telegraph Loop to finish off the 10. Another run under 8:00; maybe the legs are on their way back. (Cumulus silver 502.9) afternoon - 6x300. Went over to Dixie College since PVHS track is no longer. Warmed up 4 by going out by the Temple and then the last 2ish of the SGM course. Then got into the workout. 1-57 actually ran meters longer because the track is marked weird, but then I figured it out. 2-54, 3-6 all 55. Ran 1:45 jog 300m between. Felt very solid; like I could do them all day at that pace, but I really couldn't do them any faster. Finished with a .5 cool. Probably should have done more, but I had already gone over my planned mileage (16) for the day. I was pleased with the workout and felt like I should be doing more repeats and more mileage - I guess that is a good thing. (Stratus 455.35) |