AM - 15 Parkway/Wendy's. Plan was to run 5 warm up on the Parkway and then go into 8 at Tinman tempo on Wendy's. Got into the tempo and was working much harder than I should have needed to to hit pace. Felt worn down and was running "in the bucket". Got to the top of the Wendy's hill around 5 into the tempo and just felt horrible, so I stopped for a second. That turned out to be the wrong thing to do. I felt hideous and about puked. After waiting for a few minutes I started walking since I had to get home somehow. After a couple minutes I started up again and tried to work back into some sort of decent pace, but that wasn't happening. So maybe a touch of the flu is what has been bringing me down a little. (Boston 167.5) Pool Running - 15. This afternoon decided to run in the pool instead of hitting the road. Two years ago I ran my best marathon after a good summer of pool running (3-4 times a week), so I am going to try and be pretty consistent in it this summer. 5 min warm/3x2min hard-1min easy/2 min cool. It is a good workout.