AM - 8 Big Parkway. Same loop I did a week or so ago, up the Parkway and then around to BV and back through Washington. Had a pretty solid pace throughout. Warmed up 3 at 6:30 ave. including the hill up the Parkway. Then did 4 at 5:39. I felt very good until the last 1 and I was getting fatigued. Pushed hard the last 1/2 to get it back under 5:40. Stopped and needed to puke big time, so the mile cool was pretty chill. Happy about it and going to use it as a little benchmark to get going again. (Kinvara3 653.5) Swim - 10 mins a bit later in the afternoon. Wasn't a great week at all. Two pretty weak weeks in a row, but at least I ran a little harder this week. goals for next week: I really need to get going a bit more. So I'll do that. |