AM - 10 morning practice. Had trouble getting up, since I had just barely gone to bed (dirty track meets!). Then my Jeep wouldn't start. So I barely made it to practice before Ruth had to run alone. We did AC. Then I did 2450 and 2 laps while waiting for Kimz and Austin. Then the three of us did AC. Isn't it interesting that the three that show up to practice in the morning are also the three that are actually hitting PR's and BYU and State times. (Stratus red 272.3)
Jumped on the scale this morning and was 145.8 without shoes. A bit low still - granted that was after my run, but I didn't sweat much in the chill this morning. I have always run my best races at a race weight of 150. But I think somewhere around 148 will still bring me back enough strength to run solid. afternoon - 6 Green Springs. Ran with the boys and Ruth. Just a nice easy run to help us all try and get our legs back. (Cumulus silver 450.15) |