AM - 25 Utah Hill. Up and down workout - brutal, brutal. Planned 12 up and down, but over drove the mileage. Took 1:40 up, but with good conversation. Down I planned on going 3.5 at MP effort and .5 quicker than that for three set - to break up the long tempo and to help me focus on running harder when I am tired. First set was 5:28 and 5:12 and Clyde and Logan were log gone. Then right into the next set which was 5:22 and 5:10. By now I was pretty spent, but trying to keep it positive. Got 5:23, but was slowing at the end as shown by my 5:30 final .5. My stomach was not pleased with the GU and it was super jacked from all the coughing I have been doing. Finished with a very slow and cough filled 1/2 mile. (Kinvara Silver 311.75) #Ihadawatch #supatired #coughallnightandday #CircleofSuperheroes #lookingforasponsorfromGreatValue #hitinthefacebyaSuperfly Week was not too shabby. Workouts were tough and helped me push a bit. Goals for next week: still looking to get better and have all the energy I want - and none of the cough. Tempo will be moved to a later date than Tuesday per request of all members of the Circle. |