AM - 5 Treadmill. Started easy like usual, but it seemed hard; so I turned it down even more and just trudged my way through. One good thing about the treadmill on a Monday is that I can jump off and stretch and get things moving easier that if I was out and about. (Five Fingers 109.85)
afternoon - 9 Michigan. Ran a controlled Michigan today with some of the boys. Our "5K" sections were 6:00 and our "10K" sections were 6:30. A solid workout. I am trying to teach them to run this workout correctly and together and that will greatly benefit our team in the future - but it is hard when half of them don't show up. Molly's Mile. (Triumph silver 130.15) Retired my Landreths and Stratus bees today. Giving them to the shoe drive we've got going on in school.