this race was a weird one. My sickness was still all over me and during the race i had to stop 3 times to settle my coughing down, it was bad. but the thing that hurt me the most was side aches! i had them from miles 3-10, the worst at 7-10. I had to stop at an aid station and drink water and eat a little to try and settle it down for 5 min but the thing that got rid of it at mile 10 was one of my cough attacks. so once it went away i ran the last 2 miles in prolly sub 10:30 and caught 4 people.
mile 1-2 felt good and i made sure to go slow and steady; 3-4 i started making and went into about 5 with devio. then miles 5-6 hit me and my side aches were coming slowly and i fell off devin into 6th. the rest of the race up to mile 10 was pretty much at 10min pace or worse. about 10 people passed me and i felt like i couldnt move. and when it finally went away i pushed as hard as i could to make up some time. at the end i felt like i ran a long race but i wasn't extremely tired since i only raced 8 of it. I think if the side aches weren't their and i wasn't sick i could have ran a 1:16-17
went and cooled down 4 miles, which i don't think i was supposed to do then came back and ate. I feel physically fine besides my flu. Longest run in one setting/day of my life! |