6AM - 3 miles, 6:34 pace. the pegs are far enough past their mileage that running in them just strains my legs, most notably in the achilles. i was planning on getting some pegs yesterday but every running store i went to was out so i had to order off eastbay. i'm nervous about doing any more real running in the shoes and don't wanna barefoot run so i'm not really sure what to do until the shoes get here, except be pissed off i can't run more. those saucony flats i've had for 5 years might still be serviceable; i'll try them out tonight
7PM - 6 miles winding up the pace the last half-mile. about the same pace as this morning but felt a million times better. super foggy! half-expected the exorcist theme to start playing. found a pair of old structures that are probably pushing 400 miles but will do the job until the new shoes arrive.