Great workout today. I knew when the warmup ended up being 6:30 pace that it would go swimmingly. WU 2 miles to the track. Workout was 3 sets of 4x400's in 85, 80, 75, and 70, with 800 jog between sets. Wasn't too hard of a workout, more of to open up my stride. Or, at least in theory. There were 15-20mph winds, but the tailwind was blocked by bleachers/hills. The headwind certainly wasn't though! Times went 82, 80, 75, 71, then 85, 79, 75, 68, and finished with 85, 79, 71, 69. My watch had the distance to be 1ong on the track, and the markings seemed off, but if that's the case then even better work today. Finished with some strides. Cooled down, which again was pretty quick. 5:57 avg. pace for 8 miles!
3 miles with some difficult core in the evening. Legs weren't even kind of sore, my back was a little tight though at points in the day.