Woke up at 6AM and drove up to dry fork canyon(about 8000ft elevation). The canyon was dark and really really cold. Ran 5 miles to the base of Red Cloud Loop, and did 6x(2 minutes tempo, 3 minutes easy) up to the top. Elevation gain was stupid high. All of them were exclusively uphill save #5, which I ran at about 5:15 pace. The trees interferred with my signal on my watch except for the repeat at the peak, which was #5. At first I was discouraged because it was 8 flat pace for the hard part, but then I realized that when I was coming down(fairly quickly) the pace was the same, so I guess it was off, so that's a relief. Ended up being 15 miles in the end, which is about 3 miles over what I was supposed to run but oh well. I gained a little over 2000ft elevation, and averaged sub 8 for the pace so three cheers for that. I took my mom out to Denny's after, and had some good banana walnut pancakes. I feel quite fulfilled.